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15314995, 2021, 5, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/lary.29073 by Loyola University Health Sciences Library, Wiley Online Library on [19/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

TABLE II. National Means of PEP Data Measures by Attending, APPs and Summative Total Values.

Attendings, n = 269 (mean SD)

APP, n = 29 (mean SD)

Total, n = 298 (mean SD)

PEP Data Measure

Time per day (min) Writing notes

29.9 19.4 * 9.5 6.0 * 7.3 5.8 * 6.7 5.2 * 5.8 4.5 * 5.6 3.6 * 5.1 3.83 70.0 35.7 * 4.1 4.0 * 1.4 1.1 * 1.0 0.9 * 0.87 0.84 * 4.6 2.1 15.2 6.8 * 2.25 1.09 * 51.4 11.7

48.2 25.4 * 18.7 8.9 * 10.9 9.0 * 10.4 7.3 * 10.6 7.7 * 9.5 5.9 *

31.7 20.8 10.4 6.9 7.8 6.3 7.1 5.5 6.2 7.7 4.0 4.1 5.1 3.9 74.0 38.8 4.7 4.5 1.67 1.62 1.2 1.6 0.97 0.92 4.6 2.2 14.5 6.9 2.29 1.12

Clinical chart review In basket messages

Placing orders



Visit navigator

5.4 4.4

113.7 44.8 *

Total time in EHR

Per appt

9.7 7.1 * 4.1 3.2 * 2.8 4.2 * 1.9 1.1 *

Writing notes

Clinical chart review In basket messages

Placing orders

Other metrics Documentation length (in thousand characters)

4.3 3.0 8.1 4.26 * 2.8 1.22 * 53.2 15.5

Average appts per day

Days with appts per week

Average patient age (yrs) 51.6 12.1 All time metrics measure direct interaction of the user with the EHR. APP = advanced practice provider; EHR = electronic health record; PEP = provider ef fi ciency pro fi le; min = minutes; SD = standard deviation. * P < .05 comparing attendings to APP.

RESULTS Fifteen institutions were contacted directly through the primary author ’ s contacts and the EPIC physician well-being team. Of the 15 institutions, one declined par ticipation and four did not respond by the deadline. Ten institutions (nine academic, one private hospital-based practice) agreed to participate, some under the condition that their data and intuition remain de-identi fi ed. The number of providers at each institution ranged from 3 to

100 providers, with speci fi c numbers not disclosed to pre serve con fi dentiality (Fig. 1). In total, PEP data was avail able on 298 practitioners (attendings, n = 269, APPs = 29). The mean daily active interaction with EHR for all attendings was 70 35.7 min. Writing notes took up the largest amount of time at 31.7 20.8 min, with the remainder of daily time in system divided among activi ties shown in Table II and Figure 2A. Similarly, on a per appointment basis, the largest amount of time was spent

Fig. 2. Donut diagrams depicting mean time in each EHR activity and total EHR time based on national PEP data values from 10 institutions. (A) Daily PEP values, (B) PEP values per appointment. EHR = electronic health records; PEP = provider ef fi ciency pro fi le.

Laryngoscope 131: May 2021

Giliberto et al.: National Time Spent in EHR 977

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