xRead - Outside the Box (March 2024) - Full Articles

F.S. Falcetta et al. Table 1 Authors. Acronym

Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 137 (2023) 102487

tt hh ae t t pi mh ye s incei ae nd se’dd ti sos actoi srfraecctti otnh ewiansf orreml aat et ido nt o. At rnaontshcer ri p itni ot enr eesrtrionrgs faancdt fr reocmo r dt hi ni sg sitnufdoyr mwaatsi ot nh eh pa se ricnecpr teiaosne do,f a9n4d%6 o2f%p ho yf stihcei amn sb tehl iaetvteh tehi ra tt i tmh ee quaTlihtye sotfumdyedbiycaQluriercoozredts ahl.a[s4w] oidrseenntiefdie. s and discusses the main chal lseent tgi ne sg so. f Idne vt he li os psitnugd ya u, tios smu ae tse ds uscphe eacsh o- bbat saei nd i nd go c mu me de inctaal t idoant ai n i nc l isnui fcfai -l cmi ee na tn ivnogl uomf es etnot et nr aciens ma caccohridnien gl e taor ntihneg caol gn ot er xi tth, mt hs e, uc no dmepr sl et ax ni tdyi nogf tt hh ee ma s eddiifcfai cl uvl toi ceas bduul ar irnyg, at hned pt rhoeg rneos ns i-ol inn eoaf r t hper ocgorne vs seirosna t wi o enr. e h i g h l i g h t e d p e r fAo r mm ee dt a -bayn aBl lyasci ks l eoyf e1t 2a2l . s[t3u6d]i ,e se voanl u as pt eede cthh i sr etceoc gh nn iot li oo gn y sionf tewma er er -, go eunt ccoymaensd: pr ar oddi oulcotgi vy i tdye paanrdt mt iemn et s .s pS et undt i eosn i mn et hd ii cs aal r er eac of or cdus ,s eornr otrhs r ei ne tI nr a tnesrcmr i sb ionfg t ir me ceo, r tdhs e, ar ne ds ucl tosmwpearrei s vo an r wi a ibt lhe ,o twhiet rh t sr oa mn sec rsi tput di oi ens ms he ot hwoidnsg. am er et hdoudc st i oa nn do9f 0u%p ct oo m1p9a%r e do f t ot i mt yep icnogmopna rt he de kt oe yablot earrnda. tAi vl el 1r9e csot ruddiinegs ti mh apt reovvaelmu aetnetdi nt hteh ti ismoeu ttcoodmeel i,vseormy eo fwr ei tshu lat s9d0e%m roendsut rcat ti eo dn ai ns itgi mn ief i c[ a3 n7 t, 3r e8c]o. rTd hi ni sg sttouodlys ad reemeornr sotrrsa ti endmt he ad ti ctahl e r emc aoirnd sc, own chei rcnhs cwo ui tlhd upsoi nt egn tt hi ael sl ye harmThpeamtieetnat-sa.nalysis mentioned previously shows the predominance in tdhoec ur me s ee na tr ac thi ol ni t.eIrna ttuhri es paabpoeurt, ws pee epcehr f- ot or -mt e ax ts- yo sntleymsaotliuc t li iot ne rs aftourr emr ee dv ii ec awl op na t iaepnpt -l di coact ti oo rn si nftoerr ascptei oe cnhs irne cao gs tnriut ci ot un r eadn df assihmi ounl t. a n e o u s r e c o r d i n g o f 4. Materials and methods si nt at et Tur a h s c i f s t o i r o s n t t u h s d e . y W au a e t i o m c m o e n a d d ti u c to c t t r e e a d s n t s a t c h b r i l i s i b s i s h n y g s t t h o e e f m h c a e u t a i r c l r t e h r n e c t v a i r m e e w o p d r a o e c f l c e o s a s r n i d d o i n n t a g e l c s t ’ h o p n p a o t r l i e o e v y t - opurosclyesps:ublished guidelines [39–42]. The following steps describe the 12.. DDeessiiggnniinngg raesseeaarrcchh sqturaetsetigoyns(Search term generation) 3. sDeestsemrmenint icnhgecsktulidsyt selection criteria, procedure, and quality as 45.. CSerleeacttiinogn aofdaDtaataebxatrsaecsti(oSnousrtcraetseogfy information) 6. pSeroavrcehmetenrtm tests in all the Databases and search strategy im 78 .. DS tautda yb asseel escetai or cnh 190.. QDautaaliEtyxtervaacltuioantion of the selected studies 4.1. Designing research questions t i o nWs . eT dh iev igdeende rtahle qrueessetai or cnhs aq iume s at ito mn so idnetlos fgoern seor al vl i na ng dt hsep epcriof ibcl eqmu eos f- aa un dt o mt haet i cc ht raal lnesncgr ei ps t iroens,e at hr cehreerssu lftasc oe f ianp pt hl yi si n ga r tehae. pSrpoepcoi fsiec d qsuoel us ttiioonns, amr ee t hr eoldast eudt itl oi z et dh e b ay r cshpietceicf ti uc r em oodf etlhs e s us oc lhu tai os nr;e it nhfeo rmc eamc heinnte l leeaarrnni inngg, sr eu spuelrt vs i soef dt hl eea rpnrionpgo, saendd scool nu vt ioolnu.t i Wo ni at hl nsepuercai lf inc e qt wu eosrtki os ,nas n, dwteh ea rt ee s at ilns og co of nt cheer nme ed dwi ciat lh l pe xr ai ccot inc awl hd ei fnf i ct ur al tni selsa, t si nugc hs yams ps ot ol umt iso nt os tmo etdhiec apl r toebrlme ms , an no di s eost ht ehra tp rcaocut li dc a al fpf er oc bt ltehme s t, rsauncshc rai ps tsi oo lnu tpi or oncs etsos . t hTeh ep rqoubel es tmi o no fs rwo oe rme aa lnsdo tuos ecdh tooo seel a tbhoer actoer rt he ce t s de aa rt ca hb at seer smfso ar nf di ntdhi en gd asttau de ixetsr arcetliaotne ds t rt oa t eoguyr objective. g n i



Frederico Soares Falcetta Fernando Kude de Almeida

Janaína Conceição Sutil Lemos irnepcougt.nEitxioamn p[2le7s,2o8f ]a.pplications include image identification and speech i n g Na antdu reanl alba lnegs ucaogme ppur ot ecress st ion gp rcoacne sbs e hi ummp al enml ea nn tgeuda gues i ni ng tdheee pf o lrema r no f- ttehxetsopreaskpeerecohr wanridtetroinutnednetr[s2ta8n]d. its meaning, including context and m e dAisc i nwe i thha sa nmye t o st hoemre tcehc ha lnloe nl oggeys, aanpdp llyi mi nigt a tmi oancsh: i naec c el sesa rtnoi nggo otdo qp ue na dl iet yn cdeaot an (l ismt oirteedd oi nr bdiiaf fseerde ni nt f os yr ms t eamt i os naenxdt rdaicftfeedr efnrto mf o rtmh ea tpsa) ;t i ednet bh ya b itthse asntda f fp rpehvyi os iucsi a mn ; i spt aokt eens ;t i aolv ei rn-frleulei annccee boyn i na cuot or rme catt i cp rdeisacgr inboi snigs aonudt c opmr oecse dwuirt he s ;t haensde lnaecwk ot ef crhenaol -lwo goirelsd [p2r3o]s.p e c t i v e d a t a o n s a f e t y a n d r s e p a e d a T a k h b e e r le v sp a t e r e i e a x c b t h . ili r M t e y c a , o n c g y a n n it f i i a n o c f n l t u o e r p s n r , c o e c i e n t s h c s l e u t p d r e i a n r n f g s o f r o m e r n m a v n s i c ro e a n c o o m f u e s s y n t s i t c t , em s v i o g s c n i a n a b l t s e u n l i a d n r e t y d o , faonra l tyhs ii ss cpouvrepro saer.e aTse cs uh cnho l oa gs i es ps e tehcaht r iencvooglnviet i osnp,e es cphe a kp er or creescs oi nggn i tai no nd ar encdo gvneirtiifoi cna tcioonns i[s2t s9 ]o.f At hc ceofrodlilnogw itnogLsatteipf se:t a l . [ 3 0 ] , a u t o m a t i c s p e e c h 12 .. AP rceq- up irsoi tcieosns :i ndgi :g int oa il sl ye os ub pt apirneisnsgi o tnh ea nadu ds ii loe ns icgen rael .m o v a l . 3 . sFiegantaulr eo re xr et rparcetsieonnt: ietxct roamc tp ac hc tal rya. cItte irsi sct oi cms mt hoant dt oe sdc ri vi bi de et hf eeavt uo ri cees icnetdou rtews of ot ry ptehse s—e t wl i nog ut yi sptei cs oa fn dc haacroauc ts et irci .s t iTchs e a reex t sr iagcnt ii of inc apnrt ol y dbeiffseorlevnetd, .and performance depends on the type of problem to 4 . iSnpge eacl gh orrei tchomg ns i t(icoonn: vtohleu tui soen aolf nmeaucrha il nnee lt ewaor nr ki ns ,g r ae nc ud r dr eene tp nl ee au rr na -l nwertiwtteonrkfso,rmanadt. generative models) to process the speech to a s u c cSet us sdf iuelsl yi,ni no ct hl uedr i hn eg ailnt hpcsayrcehsocleongayr isot us dhiaevs ei nu swe hd i cs ph eveecrhb- at ol -rteesxpt otno soel ss ct raann sbc rei ptthi oen mpor os tv ecdr i et iqcua il v aoluetncto mt oe sm a[ 3n1u]a.l It nr a nt shci rs i psttiuodny, , s aavuitnogmtaitme de as hnodwtnh ea sniegendi f ifcoarn ht ur emdaunc t itor annisnc rt ihbee rt ism. Se ttuod di eesl i vi ne rr raedpi oo lrot sg yf r ohma v1e 5 a. 7l s ho tr oe l e4a. 7s e hr e[p3o2r]t .s Swt ausd ireesd ui nc etdh ef r oa mr e a4 ot fo p3a tdhaoylso ga yn di nt hwe hs iacmh et-hdea yt i rme pe otrot releSapseeercahterseicnocgrneiatsioedn ftreocmhn2o2lo%gietos 3h7a%ve [a3l3re]a. dy been subjected to a sayr es taesm[a3t 4i c] . r eTvhi ei sw s et uvda yl u adtei nmgo nt hs et r autseed o tf hteh ebs ee nteof oi tlss ionf dt hi fef e rt ee nc ht nhoelaolgt hy ao nf di ntfhoer mi r adt ii roenc)t. rSeol amt ieo no f t ot hteh ed issiazdev oa fn ttahgee st r ap nr es scer inpt teido nwtearsek t(hveo l tui mm ee teomapdloaypetetsoutshinisg ttohoisl, twypheicohf gsoelnuetriaotne.s unnecessary expectations from e o x u p t O e b r n y ien A th c l e a e p s o e w t t h i i t t e e h r e v h t o a a i n l c . d e [ , 3 r a e 5 n c ] o w g es n i s t i e h ti n o i t n n ia te l s r y a e s s s t s t e i e m n s g s s m r h e e a s n s u t l a t o s lr . f e T a e h d x i p y s e b s c t t e u a e d t n i y on c u a s s r e r a d i n e d d a qa fut ee sr t ifoonunr ami r eo nwt hh se no tr r ami noirneg ot fh eu shienagl t thh pe r ot ef ce hs sni oo lnoagl ya. nAd at hqiur de s (t i3o3n%n a) i roef pr ehmy saiicni da ne rs (a3p4p%r o)v ehda di t sn euuster,a la otphiinr di o n( 3s .1 %T h) ed ai du tnhootr sa’ pipmr po rvees, s iaonnd wt haes


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