xRead - Outside the Box (March 2024) - Full Articles

F.S. Falcetta et al. Table 7 ( continued ). Study ID

Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 137 (2023) 102487

m t S h s i s o c l a v n e d tt hr aen ss ct rrui pc tt iuorne do fa ut ht oemcal itni ci c a l history? Eisvelarbyeuletdteraasnaceqiunestthioend, ialogue sbtiadtier me cet inot neatl c .g aAt etdw roe- cl auyr er er n t ui mn iptl enme uernatle dn eitnwPoyr kT,o r c h w a s ua ss ead ;2E0a0c- dhi mweonr ds i oi sn arle pvreecsteonr t e d uWs ii kn igp et hd iea -fPr euebl My eadv awi l oa rbdl e ee mn tbi teyd di di ne ng t imf i oc adtei lo; nMuesdeisc al el x i c o n lBoiookP-ourpt a ul , s iCnogn st eurmmesr fHr oema l t h VR xoNc aobruml a. rAy ,t t rSiNb uOtMe EcDl a-sCs Ti f,i caant ido n : at r asiunpepdo rwt i tvhe csttoorc hmaas tcihc i nger a d i e n t d( aecstcueanlt, tnoe gcal at isvsei f, y pmo sos di ballei t) y a n d pP er irmt i na reyn cdei a(gmneods ii cs acl l aesnstiiftiyc )a.t i o n : tefa- icdhf doyna dt h ea ncdl elaongei ds t i tce x t o f rfoergersetssmioond, eSlsV.Ms, and random DA Sr aRg os yn s’ st eNma t(uf rr oa ml l y NSupae na kc ei n) ;g Mp r eodc iecsas li nnga: t uC raat le gl ao nr yg uaangde Ri me lpal tei mo nesnht iepd Ei nx t rJaacvt ao r a (nCda RP eE r) l iMn va cohk ii nn eg (SSuVpMp o) ,r tt hVee cBt roirl l t a g g e r , Lmi ne tka tGh reas ma umr uasr; PGaAr sTeEr , af nr odmU M L S Si nhteefgf ri ealtdi o Un noi fv et rhsei t yd,i f Uf eKr e nf ot r components; L( aaur gdei o u, nviimd eood, adl oamn aoltyi czse)r sw i t h psertesd; eGfionoegdleincpluout dand output sdpaet ae c sht -rtuoc- tt eu xr et ; cDoar tr ae bs pa os en dwe int che wt i mi t he l imn ee;d iEcxatlr accotni os un l toaft i o n it nh feo rPmMaGt i obny (ltirni gp ul ei ss )t i ct ot opool ps ,u l a t e ot rni pt ol el os gsyt odr ee dv e al onpdmme natn aagnedd w i t h Sutsai nr Dg oPgy t(hl ionng uFi rs ot igc) ;a nVní doet aot i o n al i nb ar al yr si ei ss:; OMpeedni Cc aVl ga nu di d eYl Oi nLeOs modeled in PROforma; Q a e 1 c a : h r i W n ch e h i a t l e e t c a a t r u r n e r i e n t g h u e s m e s d e p t e h to c o i d f

Ss yQm2p: tHo mo ws wt heer ep at rtai ennstl a t e d t o mt r aendsiccrailbti ne rgmtsh ewchlei nni c a l history? LBeioxPicoorntall,ooCko-nuspumfroermHealth VanodcaRbxuNlaorrym, SNOMED-CT,

SapQp3l:icHatoiwon wteasstetdhe(large shceaallet ht essyt ss t es mu csh) aa sn di nwphuabt l i c wa ne riemipt rs orveesmu let ns ?t Wo f acsa trhe ?e r e Dp aattiae:n8t –0c0l i naiucdi ai on d i a l o g u e s aI Nn Cd ) .t r Ra ne ss curl it ps :t sU(tVt eerrai lnocgeu et y p e cMl aesdsiicf iacl a et inotni t: y F i1d esnc ot irf ei c: a0t i. o7 n1 :; FK1r i ps pc oe rned oorff f0’ s. 6a3l pahnad; 0 . 5 5 As ctot rr ieb uotfe 0c. 7l a7s sfiof irc amt ioodna: l iFt1y aPnr idm0a.r6y2dfioarg npoesritsi n e n c e ; c( Ll ai ns seiaf irc aStVi oMn ): : FI 1n f lsuc eo nr ezsa .93 ± .04, ADHD .83 ± .05, COPD .68 ± .14, Osteoporosis .78 ± .76 .04, Type II diabetes ± .07, Depression .71 ± .08, and Other .76 ± .05.

SacQc4e:ptHaobwilitwy aosf tthhee program banyditpsautiseenrsts,?such as doctors


Not described


Sf roofmt w aDrrea gDoenv’ se l No pamt uerna tl l yK i t S( bpoe tahk ifnr go m+ NMueadni cc ea)l fEodr i t i o n bt eertmt eirn oalcocguyr a c y o n m e d i c a l

No large scale tests

tTehsetedapplication was not


Cbaocrkpgursooufndmkedniocwalledge: M( S eNdOi cMa lE Do n, tIoClDo g- 1i e0s, L O I N C ) ag nr adp hMs e(dDi craulg bk annokw, l eSdI Dg eE R , AmEe Rd iSc)a; l Cgr reaapt ihosn ( ao nf apt ao tmi eyn, t sdyi amgpntoosmi s , aonbds etrrveaattimo ne ,n t ) ; Ct harpotuugrhe ma el idbircaarly doi af l o g u e lpi lnagcueihsot ilcd epras t tteor nbse wf iiltlhe d b y sgpe eneecr ha t itoa ng :g itne gm; pRl ae tpeo rotf speant iteenntc ems egdeinc ae rl agt er adp hb y t h e

No large scale tests

tTehsetedapplication was not

( continued on next page )

od re s dc reisbcirni bg i nt hge itrh ae ri rc hai rt ce hc ti ut ercet. uTr he i s[ 5i s] . t hBee sciadsees ,wwh ee r ed iwd enmo ta yf i nb de epxappeerris epnr oc pi nogs etdh ea pf apcl itc taht iaot nt hi se cilnons oe lvya trieolna t ae dn dt os ccioe mn tmi f iecr cbirael agkat hi nrso, uagnhd otfh tehr ee is nDoriangtoenresMt eindiaccaal dOemnei,c tphueblpicraotdiuocnts.developed by Nuance, has ex cr ee sl leeanr tc hr .e vT iheiws sa papnldi c as toi lovne sc amn oi snt t eorfa ct ht ew ipt rho tbhl ee mE sH Re nac no du ns teearrecdh iUn p oT uo r Dwaatse f oa nu dn dMdDe Cs carlicb fi no rg ci tl isnui cs ae l [e5v7i ]d.eInnc et h, eb us at mj ues tdai r reecttri oo snp, et chtei vAe uagnma leydsiixs

awpepblsi ictaet,i oi nn caa nm oarl seo giennt ee rr aa lc t wwa yi t ht ot hbee EaH cRo ma nbdi n ai st i odne s corfi baeudt,o mo na t ei tds stopegeecnherreacteogmneitdioicna,lnnaottuersa.l language processing, and machine learning 5.10. Quality evaluation s e a rAc lhl tphuer ps tousde i, eesvseenl etcht oe ud gf ho rs ot hmi se snyes et edme da ttioc dr eevs icer wi b es hao gwoeodd al ict el er aa rt ur ree


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