2018-19 Section 7-Neoplastic and Inflammatory Diseases of the Head and Neck eBook

Fig. 1. Domain and subdomain scores for TORS alone versus adjuvant RT versus adjuvant CRT. QOL data are summarized. In overall QOL, patients who underwent adjuvant CRT had significantly lower scores than TORS alone and adju- vant RT at baseline (all P < .01) and 3 months ( P 5 .05 and P 5 .03, respectively). In addition, QOL scores for adjuvant CRT were signifi- cantly lower than for adjuvant RT ( P 5 .01) at 3 weeks and for TORS alone ( P < .01) at 6 months. Eating domain and subdomain (functional and attitudinal) scores for TORS alone were significantly higher than for adjuvant RT and adjuvant CRT at 3 months (all P < .01) and 6 months (all P < .01, except for adjuvant RT in the eating functional subdomain with P 5 .02) postsurgery. For the social disruption subdo- main (functional), patients who underwent adjuvant CRT had significantly lower scores (greater social disruption) when compared to TORS alone ( P < .01) and adjuvant RT ( P 5 .02) at 3 months. Speech subdomain (functional) scores for TORS alone were significantly higher than for adjuvant CRT at 3 months ( P 5 .04) and for adjuvant RT at 6 months ( P 5 .03) postsurgery. There were no statistically significant differ- ences ( P > .05) in aesthetics, social disruption (attitudinal), or speech (attitudinal) at any time point. Also, there were no statistically signifi- cant differences ( P > .05) for all QOL domains at 12 months. CRT 5 chemoradiation therapy; HNCI 5 Head and Neck Cancer Inventory; QOL 5 quality of life; RT 5 radiation therapy; TORS 5 transoral robotic surgery.

Laryngoscope 128: February 2018

Sethia et al.: QOL Outcomes of TORS for Oropharyngeal Cancer


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