2018-19 Section 7-Neoplastic and Inflammatory Diseases of the Head and Neck eBook

TABLE IV. Post-treatment Side Effects Mostly Related to Adjuvant Treatments.

TORS Alone

Adjuvant RT

Adjuvant CRT

P Value


< .0001*


0 (0.0%)

28 (90.3%)

58 (86.6%)


12 (100.0%)

3 (9.7%)

9 (13.4%)

.05 †



1 (8.3%)

15 (48.4%) 16 (51.6%)

27 (40.3%) 40 (59.7%)


11 (91.7%)




6 (50.0%) 6 (50.0%)

23 (74.2%)

51 (76.1%) 16 (23.9%)


8 (25.8%)

.03 ‡



1 (8.3%)

16 (51.6%) 15 (48.4%)

32 (47.8%) 35 (52.2%)


11 (91.7%)

.002 §

Oral thrush


0 (0.0%)

5 (16.1%)

28 (41.8%) 39 (58.2%)


12 (100.0%)

26 (83.9%)

.0005 #

Weight loss during RT


14.2 (8.5)

22.8 (12.9)

The table includes treatment side effects reported at any point from the time of surgery to the last known follow-up. Certain data points could not be obtained via chart review for patients within each group contributing to a discrepancy in the total number of patients reported for each variable. Data are reported as number (%) or mean (standard deviation). *A greater proportion of those in the adjuvant RT and adjuvant CRT groups reported xerostomia compared to TORS alone (90% and 87% vs. 0%). † A greater proportion of those in the adjuvant RT and adjuvant CRT groups reported hoarseness compared to TORS alone (48% and 40% vs. 8%). ‡ A greater proportion of those in the adjuvant RT and adjuvant CRT groups reported odynophagia compared to TORS alone (52% and 48% vs. 8%). § A greater proportion of those in the adjuvant CRT group had oral thrush compared to those in the TORS alone and adjuvant RT groups (42% vs. 0% and 16%). # Those in the adjuvant CRT group had greater weight loss than those in the adjuvant RT group (mean of 22.8 lbs vs. 14.2 lbs). CRT 5 chemoradiation therapy; N/A 5 not applicable; RT 5 radiation therapy; TORS 5 transoral robotic surgery.

TABLE V. Functional Outcomes.

TORS Alone

Adjuvant RT

Adjuvant CRT

P Value




0 (0.0%)

10 (32.3%)

39 (58.2%)


13 (100%)

21 (67.7%)

28 (41.8%)

.0043 †

PEG (3 months)


0 (0.0%)

8 (25.8%)

29 (44.6%)


13 (100.0%)

23 (74.2%)

36 (55.4%)

.0066 ‡

PEG (6 months)


0 (0.0%)

3 (9.7%)

20 (31.8%)


13 (100.0%)

28 (90.3%)

43 (68.2%)

PEG (12 months)



0 (0.0%)

2 (6.4%)

10 (15.9%)


13 (100.0%)

29 (93.6%)

53 (84.1%)

PEG duration, d


95 (75.5–171)

166 (94–239)


Time to PEG placement, d

0 (0–0)

65 (49–97)

51 (39–91)


PEG represents tube placement at any point from the time of surgery to the last known follow-up. The other PEG variables represent whether the PEG tube was in place at 3, 6, and 12 months following surgery. Certain data points could not be obtained via chart review for patients within each group contribut- ing to a discrepancy in the total number of patients reported for each variable. Data are reported as number (%) or median (interquartile range: 25th percentile–75th percentile). *A greater proportion of those in the adjuvant CRT group had PEG tube dependence compared to those in the TORS alone and adjuvant RT groups (58% vs. 0% and 32%). † A greater proportion of those in the adjuvant CRT group had PEG tube dependence at 3 months compared to those in the TORS alone and adjuvant RT groups (45% vs. 0% and 26%). ‡ A greater proportion of those in the adjuvant CRT group had PEG tube dependence at 6 months compared to those in the TORS alone and adjuvant RT groups (32% vs. 0% and 10%). CRT 5 chemoradiation therapy; N/A 5 not applicable; PEG 5 percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; RT 5 radiation therapy; TORS 5 transoral robotic surgery.

Laryngoscope 128: February 2018

Sethia et al.: QOL Outcomes of TORS for Oropharyngeal Cancer


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