FLEX February 2024


Fig. 12. Thyroglossal duct cyst. Axial T2 weighted (L), coronal T2 weighted ( middle ), and axial postcontrast T1 weighted magnetic resonance images demonstrate a circumscribed rounded cystic lesion at the tongue base demonstrating thin peripheral enhancement on postcontrast images, consistent with a thyroglossal duct cyst.

Fig. 13. Venolymphatic malformation. Axial ( A ) and reconstructed coronal ( B ) contrast enhanced CT images demonstrate a large, multilocular low density lesion in the posterior cervical space.

Fig. 14. Venolymphatic malformation. Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted magnetic reso nance images show a multicystic, transpatial mass in the left neck and submandibular region that contains multiple hemorrhage fluid levels.

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