HSC Section 8_April 2017

Crowson et al

Table 2. (continued)





Raivio et al (1989) 20 Santos et al (1993) 21


50 mg daily for at least 3 mo Sodium restriction and initial starting dose of 50 mg/d but ranging 25-100 mg/d; triamterene used in \ 15% 90 mL daily for 4 wk; during exacerbation, a 120-mL dose was administered for short periods; dose reduction by 30- 60 mL/d depending on degree of improvement 40 mL BID, 2 wk; 30 mL BID, 2 wk; 25 mL BID, 2 wk; 15 mL BID, 2 wk 120 mL daily, tapered stepwise weekly to 60 mL until the 4th week, then individually tapered

26.5 mo

Hydrochlorothiazide with or without triamterene HCl

Vertigo symptoms: 24 mo; hearing: 22 and 74 mo

Kanda et al (1993) 14


24 mo

Kakigi et al (1995) 26


8 wk

Nozawa et al (1995) 19


26.5 mo

Lassen et al (1996) 17 Kitahara et al (2004) 15 Chung et al (2010) 13

Nimodipine Isosorbide

30 mg BID

27 mo

90 mL per day for . 1 y

31.7 mo

Low-sodium diet ( \ 1500 mg/d) and hydrochlorothiazide (50 mg daily)


2, 4, 6, and 8 y; mean follow-up, 52.4 mo

Eryaman et al (2012) 25


Once daily for minimum 3 wk 3 wk

Abbreviations: BID, twice daily; TID, 3 times daily; QID, 4 times daily.

Table 3. Outcomes Measures and Study Quality of the Included Studies.


Outcome Measures

Hearing Result

Vertigo Result

Side Effects

Study Quality

75% of cases ‘‘diminution of or freedom from giddiness was noted’’

2 with nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain


Symptomatology, PTA In 31 with length of disease \ 2 y, hearing improvement noted in 57%, while in 26 with length of disease . 2 y hearing improvement obtained in only 27% Symptomatology, PTA After 5 y, 24 of 60 hearing improved, 38 of 60 tinnitus improved Symptomatology, PTA 16 of 26 tinnitus improved but not significant ( P . .1); 18 of 26 had hearing loss improved Symptomatology, PTA 18 had reduction of the hearing loss and tinnitus

Norell and Stahle (1962) 18

Varga et al (1966) 22

47 of 60 vertigo ‘‘fits’’ improved

None reported


Klockhoff and Lindblom (1967) 8

15 of 26 had improvement in vertigo; 5 of 26 patients resolved vertigo 26 of 34 of an ‘‘extent that was of definite clinical value’’



Klockhoff et al (1974) 16

Dry mouth, thirst, hypokalemia, weight loss, fatigue




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