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TABLE IX.1 Evidence surrounding the workup of regional and distant metastasis.
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
Maurer et al. 198
1. 46.9% hybrid PET exams revealed ARI 2. 33.3% hybrid PET exams revealed CRI 3. Hybrid PET imaging provides ARI and CRI in addition to regional sinonasal/neck MRI 1. Hybrid PET imaging is excellent at identifying regional and distant metastasis 2. Lymph node metastases: 100% sensitivity, 91.7% specificity 3. Distant metastases: 100% sensitivity, 98.3% specificity 1. Negative PET/CT was predictive of absence of disease 2. Positive PET/CT can be falsely positive and should be viewed with clinical vigilance 3. PET/CT had an overall sensitivity and specificity of 90% 4. PET/CT specificity of 92% and NPV of 100% for initial staging of cervical metastasis 5. PET/CT sensitivity of 100% and Pretreatment PET/CT is useful as a baseline to assess response posttreatment and allows for faster identification of cervical and distant metastasis using one imaging modality Minimal axial diameter of 5 mm on MRI is most appropriate for identifying metastatic RPLN 1. 9.5% cervical node involvement 2. 6.5% distant metastasis 3. Distant metastatic workup should be considered regardless of regional nodal status 4. Distant metastasis portends worse survival (Continues) specificity of 92% for initial staging of distant metastasis
1. Additional radiological information (ARI) 2. Clinically relevant information (CRI)
Retrospective cohort
75 patients diagnosed with malignant sinonasal tumors; 96 regionalized MRI and hybrid PET scans
Meerwein et al. 217
Retrospective cohort
Patients diagnosed with sinonasal cancer and
accuracy of hybridPET imaging
undergoing hybrid PET imaging for initial staging
( n = 65)
Lamarre et al. 197 2012 3
Utility of PET for tumor staging
Retrospective cohort
PET scans from patients with
sinonasal neoplasms ( n = 31)
Gil et al. 216
2007 3
Prospective cohort
Patients undergoing skull base tumor excision ( n = 47, preoperative PET/CT = 23)
Value of PET–CT to evaluate cervical lymph nodes and distant metastases
Kosugi et al. 202
Retrospective case series
Patients who
criteria of metastatic RPLN
underwent MRI before and after treatment of maxillary sinus SCC ( n = 16)
Chweya et al. 203
Retrospective database (SEER)
325 patients with ACC 1. OS 2. DSS
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