xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
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TABLE XII.1 Evidence surrounding margin analysis for sinonasal tumors.
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
Adenocarcinoma Bignami et al. 363 2018 4
Retrospective case series
Patients with
1. 5-year OS 2. 5-year DSS 3. 5-year RFS
1. 5-year OS and DSS were 100% for NM versus 50% ± 3.54% for PM 2. NM group had a better RFS 3. Margins were an independent prognostic factor for OS Margins status associated with OS andDSS
non-ITAC with PM ( n = 2) versus NM ( n = 20)
Schreiber et al. 374
1. OS 2. DFS 3. RFS
2018 4
Patients who
underwent either uEEATC( n = 27) or bEEATC( n = 27, control) for ITAC withPM( n = 3) versusNM( n = 51) versusNM( n = 23) Patients with SCC or adenocarcinoma of the maxillary sinus withPM( n = 20) versusNM( n = 44) Patients with ITAC withPM( n = 7)
Antognoni et al. 362
2015 4
Retrospective case series
1. 5-year OS 2. 5-year DFS
Margin status was significantly associated with 5-year OS and 5-yearDFS LR detected in 15 out of 20 patients with PM versus one out of 44 patients with NM
Hordijk and Brons 389
1985 4
Retrospective case series
Adenoid cystic carcinoma Shayet al. 375
MS was a predictor of OS
Patients with ACC
2020 4
Retrospective database review (NCDB) Retrospective case series
withPM( n = 140) versusNM( n = 381)
Volpi et al. 106
2019 4
Patients with ACC
5-year OS and DSS
5-year OS and DSS were both 94% ± 6% for NM versus 42% ± 3%forPM
treated with radical surgical intent with PM( n = 7) versus NM( n = 27)
Trope et al. 376
PM were associated with worse OS
Patients with ACC
2019 4
Retrospective database review (NCDB) Retrospective case series
withPM( n = 259) versusNM( n = 225)
Mays et al. 398
2018 4
Patients with ACC
1. OS 2. DFS
MS was not associated with OS or DFS
treated with curative intent with PM ( n = 40) versus NM ( n = 38)
Seong et al. 399
1. DFS 2. DSS
PM did not significantly affect DSS orDFS
2014 4
Retrospective case series
Patients with ACC treated with
surgery ± adjuvant therapy with PM ( n = 19) versus NM ( n = 5)
Michel et al. 408
2013 4
Retrospective case series
Patients with ACC
MS was not significantly associated with OS or DFS
withPM( n = 11) versusNM( n = 6)
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