xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles

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TABLE XII.1 (Continued)

Clinical endpoints


Year LOE Study design Study groups


1. LR 2. 10-year OS

1. LR was more common in patients with PM 42% versus NM22% 2. 10-year OS for PM 43% versus 75%forNM Incomplete resection (including PM) was significantly associated with recurrence 1. PPV and NPV were 100% for IFSH 2. No recurrences occurred during the study period Intraoperative confirmation of NM by frozen sections did not improve recurrence rates

Wiseman et al. 377

2002 4

Retrospective case series

Patients with ACC withPM( n = 19) versusNM( n = 11)

Inverted papilloma Lee et al. 369

2020 4 a

Impact of

Retrospective cohort

Patients with IP with recurrence versus no recurrence ( n = 76) Patients with IP who underwent surgical resection until NM were achieved on IFSH( n = 22) Patients with IP or either unconfirmed margins on frozen sections ( n = 73) or confirmed NM on frozen sections ( n = 54) Patients with SNMM who underwent either EEA ( n = 10) orOR( n = 10) Patients with SNMM treated with surgical curative intent with PM( n = 32) versus NM( n = 40) Patients with recurrent SNMM treated with either EEA ( n = 12; PM = 10,NM = 2) or OR( n = 10; PM = 6, NM = 4) Patients with SNMM who underwent primary surgery with curative intent (NM = 16) versus noncurative (PM = 3) oncocytic papilloma with EEA with

margins on recurrence

Miglani et al. 409

2018 4

Retrospective case series

1. PPV and NPV for IFSH 2. Recurrence

Healy et al. 410


2016 4

Retrospective case series

Melanoma Almutuawa et al. 277


No difference in hazard of death between PM and NM

2020 3

Retrospective cohort

Sayed et al. 271

2017 3

Retrospective cohort

1. 3-year OS 2. LRFS 3. DFS

1. MS was not associated with OS 2. Absolute 3-year difference between patients with NM and those with PM was 18% for LRFS, 5% for DFS, and 15% for OS 1. NM obtained in 40% OR versus 16.6% EEA but this did not influence the course of disease 2. DM and LR occurred in 60%–70% regardless of MS

Ledderose and Leunig 276

1. MS 2. DM 3. LR

2015 3

Retrospective cohort

Rothet al. 373

2010 3

Retrospective cohort

Differences in survival

Median survival rate 31 months for NM versus 15 months for PM


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