xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
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TABLE XII.1 (Continued)
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
One-, 2-, 3-, and 5-yearOS
1. 1-year OS rates were 87%, 72%, and 47% for NM, PM, and no surgery, respectively 2. 2-year OS rates were 72%, 36%, and 16% 3. 3-year OS rates were 55%, 16%, and8% 4. Only patients in NM group were alive at 5 years (39%) 5. Propensity score matching demonstrated a difference between NM and PM 1. Improved survival was associated with surgical resection only when NM 2. MS was a predictor of survival 1. DMFS reduced in patients with PM 2. OS was negatively influenced by PM 3. PM status was associated with decreased DMFS NM associated with improved survival
Patients with SNMM withPM( n = 120), no surgery ( n = 63), versusNM( n = 263)
Elsamna et al. 365
Retrospective database review (NCDB)
Ganti et al. 366
2020 4
Retrospective database review (NCDB) Retrospective case series
Patients with SNMM withPM( n = 355) versusNM( n = 812) Patients with SNMM withPM( n = 11) versusNM( n = 15)
Caspers et al. 364
1. DMFS 2. OS
2018 4
Konuthula et al. 368
2017 4
Retrospective database review (NCDB) Retrospective case series
Patients with SNMM withPM( n = 127)
5-year survival
versusNM( n = 300)
MS did not impact 3-year OS
Vandenhende et al. 402
2012 4
Patients with SNMM treated with surgical curative intent with PM( n = 4) versus NM( n = 12) Patients with SNMM who underwent primary surgery withPM( n = 12) versusNM( n = 44) Patients with SNMM withPM( n = 18) versusNM( n = 13) Patients with SNMM withPM( n = 5) versusNM( n = 8)
Moreno et al. 232
2010 4
Retrospective case series
1. Two- and 5-yearOS 2. LR
1. Nonsignificant difference in 2-year (NM 64% versus PM 42%) and 5-year (NM 44% versus PM 25%) survival 2. Nonsignificant increase in LR in PM 42% versus NM 20% MS was not a significant predictor of LR, RR, or DM
Bachar et al. 400
2008 4 b
1. LR 2. RR 3. DM 1. OS 2. LRC
Retrospective cohort
Kingdom and Kaplan 401
1995 4
Retrospective case series
NM do not appear to predict a better OS or LRC
Mixed tumor Dulguerov et al. 22
2001 2
Systematic reviewof
Patients with SNM ( n = 156) with PM versusNM
Two- and 5-year actuarial LRC
Two- and 5-year actuarial LRC rates were 59% ± 9%and45% ± 9%for PM versus 70% ± 7%and 65% ± 7%forNM (Continues)
retrospective case series
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