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TABLE XIV.1 (Continued)

Clinical endpoints


Year LOE Study design Study groups


Buiret et al. 512

1. LR

1. LR45% 2. Degenerated IPs are thus

2012 4

Retrospective case series

SN invasive papilloma at a single institution ( n = 11; 3DCRT n = 5, IMRT n = 6)

aggressive diseases and must be treated similarly to primary SCC

Duprez et al. 464

2012 4

Retrospective case series

SNM at a single

1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year OS 3. G3 Ocular Tox

1. LC59% 2. OS52% 3. Worst grade of late ocular toxicity was Grade 3 ( n = 11), Grade 2 ( n = 31), Grade 1 ( n = 33), and Grade 0 ( n = 11) 1. 2-year LRC 64% 2. 2-year OS 66% 3. Patients with SCC have worse LRCandOS 4. LRF is the predominant pattern of failure

institution ( n = 130)

Wiegner et al. 513 2012 4

Retrospective case series

SNM at a single

1. 2-year LRC 2. 2-year OS

institution ( n = 52)

Al-Mamgani et al. 462

2012 4

Retrospective case series

SNM at a single

1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year RC 3. 5-year OS 4. 5-year G2 Tox

1. LC74% 2. RC94% 3. OS54% 4. G2 Tox 28%

institution ( n = 82, IMRT n = 57; 3DCRT n = 25)

5. Late toxicity was significantly lowered using IMRT, compared to 3DCRT (17% vs. 52%) 6. LC rate was also improved by IMRT (80% vs. 64%, respectively)

Dirix et al. 514

2010 4

Retrospective case series Retrospective case series

SNM at a single

1. 2-year LC 2. 2-year OS 1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year DFS 3. 5-year OS 1. 5-year LP 2. 5-year DFS 3. 5-year OS

1. LC76% 2. OS79% 1. LC71% 2. DFS59% 3. OS59%

institution ( n = 40)

Madani et al. 515

2009 4

SNM at a single

institution ( n = 84)

Hoppe et al. 516

1. LP21% 2. DFS51% 3. OS 15% 4. Severe late toxicities occurred in two patients 5. The only significant factor for disease control was a biologically equivalent dose of radiation ≥ 65Gy

2008 4

Retrospective case series

SNM at a single

institution (IMRT n = 12, conventional and three-dimensional n = 27)

Hoppe et al. 459

2008 4

Retrospective case series Retrospective case series Retrospective case series Retrospective case series

SNM at a single

1. 2-year LC 2. 2-year OS 1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year OS 1. 3-year LC 2. 3-year OS 1. 4-year LC 2. 4-year OS

1. LC75% 2. OS80% 1. LC58% 2. OS45% 1. LC49% 2. OS80% 1. LC68% 2. OS59%

institution ( n = 37)

Dalyet al. 517

2007 4

SNM at a single

institution ( n = 36)

Combs et al. 518

2006 4

SNM at a single

institution ( n = 46)

Duthoy et al. 519

2005 4

SNM at a single

institution ( n = 39)

Abbreviations: 3DCRT, three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy; DFS, disease-free survival; EBRT, external beam radiotherapy; ENI, elective nodal/neck irradi ation; G2 Tox, grade 2 toxicity; G3 Ocular Tox, grade 3 ocular toxicity; IMRT, intensity modulated radiation therapy; LC, local control; LPFS, local progression-free survival; LR, locoregional; LRC, local–regional control; LRF, locoregional failure; LRFFS, locoregional failure-free survival; LRPFS, locoregional progression-free survival; LRRFS, locoregional recurrence-free survival; OS, overall survival; PFS, progression-free survival; RC, regional control; SN, sinonasal; SNM, sinonasal malignancy; SNUC, sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma.

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