xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
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TABLE XIV.1 (Continued)
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
At 2 years, there were no significant differences in LRC, PFS, or OS between those undergoing orbital preservation
1. 2-year LRC 2. 2-year PFS 3. 2-year OS
Amsbaugh et al. 501
2016 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
institution treated with orbital preservation ( n = 14) versus exenteration ( n = 6)
Askoxylakis et al. 502
2016 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year PFS 3. 5-year OS
1. LC51% 2. PFS47% 3. OS54% 1. LC73% 2. Tox 18%
institution ( n = 122)
Burt et al. 503
2016 4
Retrospective case series Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
1. LC 2. G3Tox
institution ( n = 11)
Suhet al. 504
2016 4
SNM at a single
1. 3-year LRC IMRT 2. 3-year LRC 3DCRT 1. 5-year LRC 2. 5-year OS
1. LRC IMRT 89% 2. LRC 3DCRT 60%
institution ( n = 54; IMRT n = 19, 3DCRT n = 35) institution (IMRT n = 44, conventional n = 63)
Yinet al. 505
1. LRC73% 2. OS65%
2016 4
Retrospective case series
ONB at a single
DuruBirgi et al. 506
2015 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
1. 2-year LC 2. 2-year PFS 3. 2-year OS
1. LC81% 2. PFS71% 3. OS80%
institution ( n = 43)
Batth et al. 507
2013 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
The incidence of acute and late grade 3 + toxicity was 23% and 19%, and volumes receiving ≥ 20 Gy was the most significant predictor of late toxicity
institution ( n = 40)
Fried et al. 508
2013 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
1. 3-year LC 2. 3-year OS
1. LC64% 2. OS68% 3. SNM failed marginally or
institution (IMRT n = 41, 3DCRT n = 38)
out-of-field in 53% (8/15) of LR and 31% (8/26) of all local failures 1. LRC63% 2. OS69% 3. Level Ib and level IIa were the most common sites of cervical nodal recurrence 4. None of the 11 patients who received ENI developed failure in theneck 1. PFS 65%/49% 2. OS 86%/56% 3. Tumor histology appeared to be the best way of predicting the prognosis and selecting patients for adjuvant RT 1. Eight local recurrences 2. 11 disease free at the end of follow-up
Guanet al. 509
1. 3-year LRC 2. 3-year OS
2013 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
institution (IMRT n = 43, 3DCRT n = 16)
Kaur et al. 510
2013 4
Retrospective case series
ONB at a single
1. 5-year PFS low/high grade 2. 5-year OS low/high grade
institution (IMRT n = 6, EBRT n = 5)
Rajapurkar et al. 511
1. LR 2. DFS
2013 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
institution (IMRT n = 7, 3DCRT n = 7)
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