xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
20426984, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alr.23262, Wiley Online Library on [02/01/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TABLE XIV.1 (Continued)
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
Sunet al. 396
1. 5-year OS 2. 5-year LRFFS
1. OS70% 2. LRFFS 78% 3. Orbital invasion, intracranial invasion, lymph node metastasis, and advanced Kadish disease at initial diagnosis were significantly associated with inferior prognosis 1. LC66% 2. DFS58% 3. OS62% 4. Orbital content retention rate in preoperative RT group was 85.7%, superior to 58.3% in postoperative RT group 1. LC 85%/65% 2. 81%/63% 3. Reduction of acute and late ocular toxicity of grade ≥ 2with VMAT 1. OS64% 2. OS71% 3. 5-year LRRFS survival was 100% in patients with ENI and 58% in patients without ENI Neoadjuvant RT was associated with an 81% decreased odds of positive margins There was no significant difference between the ENI ( + ) andENI ( − ) groups regarding OS and PFS 1. LRC88% 2. OS92%
2020 4
Retrospective case series
ONB at a single
institution (IMRT n = 71, 60 conven tional/3DCRT)
Wanget al. 492
2020 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year DFS 3. 5-year OS
institution ( n = 140; IMRT n = 84, 2D/3DCRT = 56)
1. 3-year LC
2019 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
Moreau et al. 493
institution (IMRT n = 34, 3DCRT = 24)
2. 3-year OS
Guazzo et al. 494
2019 4
Retrospective case series
ACC at a single
1. 5-year LRC 2. 5-year OS
institution (SNM n = 17)
Li et al. 495
1. 5-year OS RT alone 2. 5-year OS postopRT Margin status neoadjuvant versus adjuvant RT ENI impact on OSandPFS 1. 3-year RFS 2. 3-year OS 1. 5-year PFS 2. 5-year OS 1. 5-year LRC 2. 5-year OS
2019 4
Retrospective case series
ONB at a single
institution ( n = 88; IMRT n = 26, 3DCRT n = 34)
Fuet al. 380
2018 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
institution ( n = 84)
Lee et al. 496
2018 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
institution ( n = 40; IMRT n = 35, 3DCRT n = 5)
de Bonnecaze et al. 497 Chopra et al. 498
2018 4
Retrospective case series Retrospective case series Retrospective case series
SNUC at a single
1. RFS48% 2. OS62% 1. PFS30% 2. OS60% 1. LRC71% 2. OS44%
institution ( n = 54)
2017 4
SNM at a single
institution ( n = 23)
Gamez et al. 499
2017 4
SNUC at a single institution
(IMRT = 24, 3DCRT = 12, other = 4)
3. Better outcomes were obtained with a trimodality approach and doses 3 60Gy Patients with STR and rapid onset of MRI changes in post-surveillance scans are more likely to have tumor recurrence versus radiation necrosis (Continues)
Ahmad et al. 500
2016 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at a single
Intracranial radiation necrosis
institution ( n = 26)
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