xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles

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TABLE XIV.2 Evidence surrounding proton therapy in treatment of sinonasal tumors.

Clinical endpoints 1. 3-year LC 2. 3-year OS


Year LOE Study design Study groups


Zhang et al. 474

1. LC73% 2. OS66% 3. LC and OS were significantly higher after CIRT than PBT or IMRT 4. No significant difference between PRT and IMRT for OS and LC was observed 1. LRC 0.81 (0.71–0.92) 2. DFS 0.72 (0.59–0.89) 3. OS 0.66 (0.52–0.85) 4. Subgroup analysis comparing PBT with IMRT, PBT showed significantly higher DFS at 5 years and LRC at longest follow-up re-irradiation had higher complications compared to de novo 1. PFS62% 2. CCS59% 3. OS64% 4. Patients who underwent GTR had an 87% LC rate 1. LC92% 2. PFS50% 3. OS76% 4. 16grade ≥ 3 late toxicities were observed in 12 patients (19%), including 11 events resulting in visual impairment IMPT provided an extra 1.65 QALYs at an additional cost of $38,928.7 compared with IMRT and had an ICER of $23,611.2/QALY 1. LC88% 2. DFS76% 3. OS82% 4. Low grade ≥ 3 toxicity, and PROs suggest significant changes in the acute–subacute period but no chronic sequelae The most common primary site treated with proton therapy was the nasal cavity/nasopharynx ( n = 151; 36.2%) (Continues) 1. LC82% 2. DFS70% 3. OS77% 4. Patients who received 1. PFS76% 2. OS83%

44 cohorts comparing 2282 patients treated with CIRT, PBT, or IMRT(PBT, n = 599)

2020 2


reviewand meta analysis

Patel et al. 458

2014 2


41 studies (43 cohorts) comparing SNM patients undergoing either particle or photon radiotherapy ( n = 1472; IMRT therapy n = 36 for DFSand n = 147 for OS) institution ( n = 86); included 18, reirradiation pts SNM at single

E1 .v eLnot nr ga et es st : follow-up LRC 2. 5-year DFS 3. 5-year OS

reviewand meta analysis

Fanet al. 442

1. 2-year LC 2. 2-year DFS 3. 2-year OS

2020 3

Retrospective cohort

Dagan et al. 460



Retrospective case series

SNM at single

1. 5-year PFS 2. 5-year CCS 3. 5-year OS

institution ( n = 143)

Nakajima et al. 520



Retrospective case series

SNM at single

1. 2-year LC 2. 2-year PFS 3. 2-year OS

institution ( n = 62)

Huet al. 521

2020 4

Retrospective case series

ONB at single

1. 2-year PFS 2. 2-year OS

institution ( n = 12)

Li et al. 466


Analysis using a single SNM patient scenario

2020 4


effectiveness analysis

Pasalic et al. 522

2020 4

Retrospective case series

SNM at single

1. 3-year LC 2. 3-year DFS 3. 3-year OS

institution ( n = 64)

Lee et al. 523


NCDB review of

2019 4

Retrospective database review (NCDB)

utilization and determining factors

proton utilization for head and neck cancer ( n = 220,491)

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