xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
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TABLE XIV.4 Evidence surrounding carbon ion therapy in treatment of sinonasal tumors.
Clinical endpoints 1. 3-year LC 2. 3-year OS
Year LOE Study design Study groups
Zhang et al. 474
1. LC80% 2. OS75% 3. LC and OS were significantly higher after CIRT than PBT or IMRT 4. No significant difference between PRT and IMRT for OS and LC was observed 1. LRC 0.76 (0.68–0.86) 2. DFS 0.80 (0.67–0.95) 3. OS 0.72 (0.58–0.90) 4. Subgroup analysis comparing CPT with photons, CPT showed significantly higher 5-year DFS, OS, and LRC at longest follow-up
44 cohorts comparing 2282 patients treated with CIRT, PBT, or IMRT (IMRT, n = 911)
2020 2
reviewand meta analysis
Patel et al. 458
2014 2
SNM patients
E1 .v eLnot nr ga et es st : follow-up LRC 2. 5-year DFS 3. 5-year OS
reviewand meta analysis
undergoing either particle or photon radiotherapy ( n = 1472; CPT therapy n = 58 for DFSand n = 146 for OS)
Kuboet al. 549
1. G1 46% 2. G2 7%
Incidences of
2019 3
SNM at single
Grade 1 and 2 nasolacrimal duct obstructions
case series
institution (SNM n = 15)
Jensen et al. 550
2015 3
Salivary gland tumors at single institution
1. 3-year LC 2. 3-year PFS 3. 3-year OS
1. LC82% 2. PFS58% 3. OS78% 4. No significant difference could be shown regarding resection status
case series
(SNM, n = 18, IMRT + CIRT)
Musha et al. 551
1. LC75% 2. PFS53% 3. OS81% 4. Acute grade 3 radiation
1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year PFS 3. 5-year OS 4. Toxicity
2022 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at single
institution (SNM n = 18)
mucositis was seen in eight patients, and late grade 4 adverse events were observed, including two cases of visual loss and one case of brain necrosis
Bhattacharyya et al. 552
2020 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at single
Oronasal fistula 37 developed small localized fistula; however, none were of grade 3severity
institution ( n = 50; IMRT + CIRT)
1. 51% 2. 63%
Hagiwara et al. 553
2020 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at single
1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year OS 3. Toxicity
institution ( n = 22)
3. Grade 4 visual impairment and grade 4 brain necrosis were seen in six and one patient, respectively 1. LPFS83% 2. PFS66% 3. OS82% 4. Late toxicity occurred in 22 (19.8%) patients, but only four (3.6%) patients experienced grades 3–4 late toxicity
Huet al. 554
2020 4
Retrospective case series
SNM at single
1. 2-year LPFS 2. 2-year PFS 3. 2-year OS 4. Toxicity
institution (PBT n = 4, CIRT n = 70, CIRT + PBT n = 37)
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