xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles

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TABLE XIV.4 (Continued)

Clinical endpoints 1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year OS 1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year OS 1. 3-year LC 2. 3-year OS 1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year PFS 3. 5-year OS 1. 3-year LC 2. 3-year OS 3. Toxicity


Year LOE Study design Study groups

Conclusion 1. LC69% 2. OS75% 1. LC79% 2. OS60% 1. LC93% 2. OS88% 1. LC59% 2. PFS56% 3. OS75%

Ikawa et al. 561

2017 4

Retrospective case series Retrospective case series Retrospective case series

ACC SNM at single

institution ( n = 50)

Saitoh et al. 562

2017 4

SNM multicenter in Japan ( n = 21)

Shirai et al. 563

2017 4

SNM at single

institution (SNM n = 18) ACC SNM at single institution (SNM, n = 116, IMRT + CIRT)

Jensen et al. 564

2015 4

Retrospective case series

Kotoet al. 565

1. LC77% 2. OS59% 3. Late reactions included lateral

2014 4

Retrospective case series

SNM at single

institution ( n = 22)

visual loss (five patients), mucosal ulceration (one

patient), and brain necrosis with clinical symptoms (one patient)

Morimoto et al. 566

2014 4

Retrospective case series

SNM at single

1. 3-year LPFS 2. 3-year OS

1. LPFS 56% 2. OS61%

institution (PBT n = 47, CIRT n = 10)

Maxillary ORN V50 and the presence of teeth within the planning target

Sasahara et al. 567

2014 4

Retrospective case series

SNM at single

institution (SNM n = 29)

volume were independent risk factors for the development of ORN after C-ion RT using a 16-fraction protocol 1. LC75% 2. PFS39% 3. OS63% 4. Twenty-one patients (26%) experienced grade 3 or greater late toxicities, including three patients who developed grade 5 bleeding from nasopharyngeal ulcers

Takagi et al. 568

2014 4

Retrospective case series

SNM at single

1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year PFS 3. 5-year OS

institution ( n = 80, PT n = 40, CIRT n = 40, SNM n = 41)

Mizoe et al. 473

2012 4

Retrospective case series Retrospective case series

SNM at single

1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year OS

1. LC68% 2. OS47% 1. RR50%

institution ( n = 116)

Jensen et al. 569



SNM at single

1. Radiographic response

institution (CIRT n = 4, ± IMRT n = 29)

Mizoe et al. 570

2004 4

Retrospective case series

SNM at single

1. 5-year LC 2. 5-year OS

1. LC75% 2. OS33%

institution ( n = 10)

Abbreviations: ACC, adenoid cystic carcinoma; CIRT, carbon ion radiotherapy; CPT, charged particle therapy; ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; IMRT, intensity modulated radiation therapy; LC, local control; OS, overall survival; PBT, proton beam therapy; PFS, progression-free survival; RR, radiographic response; SNM, sinonasal malignancy.

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