xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles

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TABLE XVI.2 (Continued)

Clinical endpoints


Year LOE Study design Study groups


Viral loads were higher in the IP + SCC group and SCC group

1. Determine

Yamashita et al. 758

2015 4


Compared 17 patients with IP, five patients with both IP and SCC, and 16 patients

the presence ofHPVand viral loads of HPVDNA the presence of retinoblas toma, p53, and p16(INK4a) gene products

with primary SNSCCto32 patients with CRS

2. Determine

Nudell et al. 653

2014 4


20 cases of malignant transformation of sinonasal papilloma


1. IP is the most common type of Schneiderian papilloma to precede carcinoma ex-Schneiderian papilloma 2. Synchronous SCC is the most common carcinoma ex-Schneiderian papilloma 1. Differences in staining were significant for p16 and p53 2. Lower expression of p16 was a marker of malignancy and positive staining of p53 correlated with the development of carcinoma in IP High MMP-2 expression and HPV-16 or HPV-18 expressions may be associated with the 1. HPV prevalence was overall low in this population of patients with IP, and EBV infection was not present in any patients with IP 2. High levels of p21 and low levels of p53 indicate that the regulation pathway is not dependent on p53 expression process of malignant transformation of IP

associated with malignant transforma tionof sinonasal papilloma

Linet al. 759


2013 4


162 specimens of IP with 22 also

patterns of IP withand without carcinoma

containing carcinoma

LeeandKim 760

2013 4


21 patients with precancerous papilloma or


expression of MMP-2, HPV-16, and HPV-18 Pathogenesis of sinonasal IP by looking at HPV, EBV, p21, and p53

malignant lesions versus 35 samples of benign tissue Patients with IP, nasal polyps, and hypertrophied turbinates were tested for either HPV( n = 73, n = 48, and n = 85, respectively) or EBV, p21, and p53 ( n = 73, n = 30, and n = 32, respectively) 13 patients with IP, 11 patients with SCC of the maxillary sinus, and 39 patients with chronic inflammatory lesions

Shamet al. 761

2012 4


Hasegawa et al. 670

2012 4


Role of HPV in sinonasal IP

IP and SCC have higher HPV + rates and viral load compared to the inflammatory group


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