xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
20426984, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alr.23262, Wiley Online Library on [02/01/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TABLE XVI.2 (Continued)
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
Liuet al. 755
1. 47 out of 80 (58.8%) sinonasal IPs were HPV associated, most common HPV-11 (20/53, 37.7%) 2. Phosphorylated Akt and phosphorylated S6 ribosomal
1. Rates of HPV infection in sinonasal IP as compared tocontrol 2. Differences in phosphory lated Akt and phosphory latedS6 ribosomal protein staining
2017 4
80 sinonasal IP tissue samples and 40 control tissue samples
protein increased in HPV + sinonasal IP
Stasikowska Kanicka et al. 756
2016 4
41 patients with
Expression of epithelial to
1. The expression of Slug and fibronectin was significantly increased in the SNSCC group as compared to sinonasal IPs and to controls 2. Expression of E-cadherin was significantly lower in SNSCCs as compared to sinonasal IPs and to controls. 1. KRAS mutations were present in 51 out of 51 oncocytic sinonasal papilloma- and five out of five (100%) of oncocytic sinonasal papilloma-associated SNSCCs 2. KRAS mutations present in one out of 19 (5%) of SNSCCs with no known IP association 1. Recurrent cases and higher Krouse stage had increased rates of HPV infection 2. Stronger expression of stathmin, Kif2a, and cyclin D2 was seen in sinonasal IP, especially HPV + cases Activating EGFR mutations play an important role in the pathogenesis of sinonasal IP and sinonasal IP associated SNSCC
sinonasal IP, 33 patients with
mesenchymal transition (EMT) proteins including Slug, E-cadherin, and fibronectin
sinonasal SCC, and 22 control patients with normal mucosa
Udager et al. 658
Identify KRAS mutations present in different
2016 4
111 sinonasal
papilloma patients, 27 sinonasal papilloma associated SNSCC, and 19 sinonasal SCC with no known IP association
disease groups
Linet al. 757
2016 4
28 patients with
1. Role of HPV infection in sinonasal IP 2. Roleof
sinonasal IP versus 10 control patients
stathmin in sinonasal IP
Udager et al. 659
Identify EGFR mutations present in different
2015 4
Inverted sinonasal
papilloma ( n = 50), inverted sinonasal papilloma associated SNSCC ( n = 22), and other sinonasal squamous lesions ( n = 35)
disease groups
However, in diagnostically challenging cases, IP and asso ciated sinonasal carcinoma can be differentiated from de novo sinonasal SCC by the presence of either low-risk HPV or somatic EGFR mutation. 643,662,667
An in-depth histopathologic understanding of sinonasal papillomas is crucial for diagnosis and clinical manage ment of these tumors. Given recent advancements in our understanding of the molecular basis for IPs and
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