xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles

20426984, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alr.23262, Wiley Online Library on [02/01/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License



TABLE XVI.8 (Continued)

Clinical endpoints Recurrence


Year LOE Study design Study groups


Risk of IP recurrence was highly associated with HPV positivity in > 1 resection specimen versus 0 (72.2% [13/18] vs. 34.7% [25/72], p = 0.004) and surgical approach without attachment-oriented resection versus with (78.6% [22/28] vs. 25.8% [16/62], p < 0.001) Recurrence of sinonasal IP is significantly increased based upon site of origin (anterior maxillary wall 7/12 [58.3%] and frontal sinus attachment [3/12, 25.0%] [ p = 0.045]), increasing Dragonetti–Minni Stage ( p = 0.045), and presence of dysplasia (HR = 2.4, p = 0.038) Primary resection (12.4% vs. 22.3%, p > 0.05) and single-focus attachment of IP (6.1% vs. 12.5%, p = 0.002) are associated with lower recurrence at 3-year follow-up Clearance of margins on frozen sections may lead to lower rates of IP recurrence (0.0%, 0/22) 1. Given prolonged mean time to recurrence (20.5 months), long-term follow-up may be required 2. EEA approaches have comparable, if not improved, recurrence rates over open or combined approaches (16/79 [21.7%] vs. 54/154 [35.1%] [ p = 0.017] vs. 4/14 [28.6%], respectively) Smoking was associated with recurrence of IP (42.9% [3/7] vs. 8.5% [4/47], p = 0.039), whereas HPV positivity versus negativity (0.0% [0/8] vs. 15.2% [7/46], p = 0.580) was not found to be a risk factor (Continues)

Viitasalo et al. 729



Retrospective case series

Patients with IP treated

endoscopically either with or without attachment-oriented resection ( n = 90)

Minni et al. 728



Retrospective case series

Patients with IP resected via endoscopic or


combined open and endoscopic approaches ( n = 130)

Tonget al. 726


2019 4

Retrospective case series

Patients with IP

resected via EEA ( n = 210)

Miglani et al. 409

2018 4

Retrospective case series

Patients with IP who underwent EEA until clear margins on intraoperative frozen histopathology ( n = 22)


Bugter et al. 738

1. Recurrence 2. Time to recurrence

2017 4

Retrospective case series

Patients with IP resected via

endoscopic, open, or combined approaches ( n = 247)

Rohet al. 717

2016 4

Retrospective case series

Patients with IP


undergoing EEA resection with or without Caldwell-Luc approach ( n = 54)

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