xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
20426984, 0, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alr.23262, Wiley Online Library on [02/01/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TABLE XVI.8 (Continued)
Clinical endpoints
Year LOE Study design Study groups
Healy et al. 410
Drilling, cauterizing, or completely excising the bone underlying the tumor base during endoscopic resection reduced the recurrence rate of inverted and oncocytic papilloma when compared to mucosal stripping alone (4.9% [3/61] vs. 4.7% [1/21] vs. 0.0% [0/22] vs. 52.2% [12/23], p = 0.001) Radical removal with emphasis on bony resection may be key to prevent recurrence of IP Smoking (28.2% [11/39] vs. 10.8% [10/93], p = 0.012) and tumor with extranasal/sinus extension (OR = 15.2, p = 0.049) appear to be associated with increased rates of IP recurrence after surgical resection achieved low recurrence rates compared to open approaches (14.3% [6/42] vs. 66.7% [6/9]) 2. Close long-term follow-up is warranted for early detection and to allow for surgical salvage (mean time to recurrence 41months) Recurrences occurred an average of 23 months after surgery, emphasizing need for long-term endoscopic follow-up to detect recurrence (15% [17/114]) Midface degloving can result in excellent access for resection with durable cure rates (2.1% [2/98] recurrence) without scar of lateral rhinotomy incision Suggested role for HPV in the pathogenesis of sinonasal papilloma but no correlation seen 1. The endoscopic approach
1. Recurrence 2. Time to recurrence
2016 4
Retrospective case series
Patients undergoing EEA for IP or
oncocytic papilloma ( n = 127)
Ungari et al. 735
2015 4
Retrospective case series
Patients with IP undergoing
resection via open, endoscopic, or combined approaches ( n = 35) underwent resection via endoscopic, open, or combined approaches for IP ( n = 132)
Moonet al. 731
2010 4
Retrospective case series
Patients who
Díaz-Molina et al. 736
2009 4
Retrospective case series
Patients undergoing
1. Recurrence 2. Time to recurrence
endoscopic, open, or combined resection for IP ( n = 61)
Woodworth et al. 721
1. Recurrence 2. Time to recurrence
2007 4
Retrospective case series
Patients undergoing endoscopic or
endoscopic-assisted open resection for IP ( n = 114)
2006 4
Retrospective case series
Patients with IP resected via
Har-El 727
midfacial degloving andmedial maxillectomy ( n = 98) Patients with sinonasal papillomas ( n = 43; n = 34with IP)
Kraft et al. 718
2001 4
Retrospective case series
between HPV and rates of recurrence or malignancy Abbreviations: AUC, area under the curve; EEA, endoscopic endonasal approach; IP, inverted papilloma; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.
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