xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
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TABLE XVII.A.2 (Continued) Source Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV StageV
cavernous sinus, the optic
chiasmal region, or pituitary fossa
Intracranial extension
Massive invasion of the
Chandler 1984 784 Limited to NP Extension into nasal cavity or sphenoid sinus Fisch1983 783 Limited to NP and nasal cavity without bone destruction Invading the PMF and ≥ 1 Tumor into antrum, ethmoid sinus, PMF, ITF, orbit ± cheek
Invading ITF, orbit, parasellar region remaining lateral to the cavernous sinus Intracranial extension
III: intracranial extension
IIa: minimal extension into PMF IIb: full occupation of PMF ± orbit erosion IIIc: ITF ± cheek extension
IIa: minimal lateral extension through the sphenopalatine foramen in medial PPF
displacing posterior wall of antrum forward, superior extension eroding orbital bone
IIc: extension through PMF into cheek and ITF.
sinus with bone destruction
IIb: full occupation of PPF
Bremer 1986 785 Ia: limited to posterior nares orNP Ib: extension to ≥ 1 sinus
Stage Ib: extension into ≥ 1 sinus
Sessions 1981 782 Stage Ia: limited to nose andNP
Abbreviations: GW, greater wing; NP, nasopharynx; PMF, pterygomaxillary fissure; SPF, sphenopalatine foramen; UPMC, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
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