xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles
Level of Evidence NA. Introduction
7/1/24, 9:49 AM
Repair of the Lateral Nasal Wall in Nasal Airway Obstruction - PMC
Ts ihg en imf i cual tni ft al yc taof rf ei ac lt eptai ot ileongtys ’oqf unaalsi tayl oa fi rlwi f ea .y oI nb s2t0r u1 c0t itohne iAs mweerl li cdaonc Au mc aednetme dy, oa fn Od ttohl iasr cy on ng do il toi og yn–c a n Hmei saed aasnad dNi setci kn cStucrl gi neircya lreenl et ai tsyelde aadci nl i ng itcoa lncaosna sl eani rswu as ys toabt es mt r ue nc tti odne .s c Tr ihbei ncgl i nn iacsaal l cvoanl vs ee ncsoums psrt ao t‐e ‐ mc oemn pt raol smo i si deeannt idf i edde sl ca rt ei br ea dl nt ah seailmwpaol lr ct aonl lcaep soef sour rigniscua fl fci coi rerneccyt iaosn af odri sittisn tcrteeattimo leongty. oFf unnacstai ol nv aa llv e rhinoplasty is the treatment of choice for nasal valve compromise. The term functional rhinoplasty rneaflenr as staol av aclov lel es cot iro bnoot hf .v a r Ti ohues ps autrhgoi cpahl yt se icohl on gi qyuleesa dt oi ncgo tror eccotmo pb rs ot rmu icstei oonf obfotthhe t hi net ei nr nt earl noarl ea xntde r ‐ external nasal valves has been described extensively in the literature. The compromise of in‐ ttee rr nn aa ll aa nn dd ee xx ttee rr nn aa ll nn aa ss aa ll vv aa llvv ee ss cdaune btoe leaittehrearl sntaast iacl owradl lycnoal lma pi cs. eTihsetedrymn ae md i c c o l l a p s e o f b o t h i n ‐ lateral wall insufficiency . This validated grading system is based on the location and percentage of closure of tshc ea l lea ti se raa wl ni da es al yl wu sael ld t, opwa tai redn tt-hr ee ps oe rptteudmo. u Tt choemNeams ael aOs bu sr ter ut hcat itoenf fSeycmt i vpetloymq uEavna tl ui f ai et si onna (sNa lOoSbEs) t r u c ‐ ttoiomnssdymuepttoomnas.sal TvahleveNcOoSmEpsrcoamleiissea. reliable and valid method to assess nasal obstruction symp‐ Ds yesst pe mi t ea tgi rc orwe vi ni egwi ns the ar ev se t ei nv anl ua as tael dv aelvvied ec on mc epfroormt hi see eaf nf edc ti ti vs esnuersgsi coafl fcuonr cr tei oc tni oa nl r, ho innl yo p2l apsrteyv. Ri ohuese e t av al l v eh ac ov emfporuonmdi seev.i dTehna ct es tfuodr yt hdei de nf foe tc tiinvcelnuedses ao qf uf uannctti ti oa tni vael rshyinntohpeltai cs taynianl yt hs ies . tIrne at ut mr ne,nat soyf snt ea ms aal t i c re er va itei vwe ba ny dF lpooysdt oept earl a t i vi nec Nl uOdSeEd sac mo reetsa -i na nf aa lvyos ri s orfefpuonrcttiinogn as il grnhi if ni coapnlta ds ti yf f. eBr oe tnhc epsr ebveitowueserne vpireewo sp ‐ hn ai qvueeisn, cal un dd ecda uhsi gehs l yo fhneat es raol gv ea nl veeocuosms pa mr opml ei ss ec. oSmu cbhi nai nbgr od ai fdf ear pe np tr os taucdhyhdaes sliegfnt sm, rahniyn oqpuleassttiyo nt esc h ‐ ue vniadnesnwc ee rf eodr . tThhe ee of fbe jcet ci vt ievneeos sf tohfef up nr ec st ieonntasl yrsht ienmo ap tl iacs rt ye vwi ehwe na nl adt emr aelt aw- aa lnl ai nl yssui sf f iwc iaesn tcoy ewvaasl utahtee pt hr ie‐ mary cause of airway obstruction and lateral nasal wall repair the primary mode of treatment. Methods Ttihoen,ccroitmerpiaarfiosronco, annsdidoeruitncgomsteu)dfierasmfoerwtohriskraesvfieowllowwesr: e based on the PICO (population, interven‐ Tf uylpl -es sc aol ef sotruidg ii ensa:l Calri nt i iccl ae ls aonrdbor bi esferrevpaot irotns ai nl spt ue de ri e- rs ewv iiet hwaevdaai lcaabdl ee ma bi cs tj roaucrtns aalns dwpi tuhbnl ios h e d a s restriction on language or time of publication. Pilot reports, case reports, case series (<5 1 2 2 3,4 2,3,5,6 3 7 8,9 8 10 11
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