xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles

pleattteiernst,sa)n, ddeesdcirtioprtiiavles pwuebrleiceaxticolunds eodn. surgical techniques, theses, conference proceedings, PInatretricviepnatniotsn::AFduunlctstio(≥n1a8l ryheinarosp)lawsittyh. nasal obstruction due to lateral nasal valve compromise. Cp or emoppaerriastoi vne: Na nodt rpeoasttmo pe ne rt ,aot itvhee mr teraesaut mr eesnwt , ipt hl ai nc etbh oe , ssahma me c, oo hr oc rotm. p a r i s o n b e t w e e n O sc u o t r c e o s m . e: Differences between groups in preoperative and postoperative change in NOSE total Data Sources and Searches Ts ehaer cMheeddl iinne J, uEl my 2b 0a s1e7, Swciot hpouus t, Cr eoscthr ri catni oenCoe nn ttrhael , tWi me eb ooff pS uc ibelni ccaet,i oa nn .dTChien as he al rdcaht acbl aaus es es wf oer r teh e M“ Rehdi nl i no ep lsaes at yr /c hm we tahso tdhse” [fMo lel os hw]i nAgN: D( “ N“ Ha us aml aOnbss”t[rMu cetsi ho ]n /NsOuTr g“eCrayd”a[ Mv eers” h[ M] Oe sRh ] N O T “ I n V i t r o Tl aepcshen” i q[ TuIeAsB” []MOeRs h“ s] )e pAtNu Dm (d“ ea vl ai ar tri oi mn ”” [[ TT II AA BB ]] OO RR ““ dl aetve iraatle nd asseapl twu aml l”” [[TTIIAABB]] OORR ““sneapstaall ddoe rvsi autmi o nc o” l ‐ [“ Tf uI An cBt]i oOnRa l“ ri nhfienroi op rl a tsut yr b” [i Tn IaAt eB”] [OTRI A“Bn]a Os aRl v“ wa livdee ccool ll aupmseel”l [aT” I[ATBI A] BO]RO“Rn a“ spat ol vt iacl vnea scaolmt ippr” o[mT IiAs eB”] ) O R [TTyIpAeB] ]NOORT ““nCaosma lmv ea nl vte” d[ Py us fbul inccattiioonn” [TTyIpAeB] ] NNOOTT“ RE ed vi tioe rwi a[ pl ” t y[ Ppu] bNl iOc Ta t “i Ao nd vTeyrpt ies ]e mN Oe nT t “s L” e[ tPt ue rb”l i c a t i o n [TPy up be l]i cNa Ot i To n“ATcyapdee]mNi cO DT i“sNs ee rwt as ”t i o[ Pnus b” l[i Pc autbi ol i nc aTt iyopne ]T yNpOeT] “NROeTt r “aAcbt isot nr aoc ft sP” u[ bP lui cbal ti ci oa nt i”o [nP Tu ybpl iec ]a tNi oOnT “c Ma seee*t[iTn Ig] ANbOsTt rgauc itds ”e l[iPn ue *b[l Ti cIa] t Ni oOnTTpy rpaec] t iNc eO*T[ TpIr]oNt oOcTo lc[hTiIl ]d *N[OTTI ] rNe Ov iTe wa d[ To Il ]e sNc Oe nT*p[ Tr eI ]l i mN Oi nTa rpye[dTi Ia]t rNi *O T [hTaIs]aNbOstTrapcot[lytepx*t[]TSI]tuNdOyTserlheicntiitoisn[.”TI] NOT sinusitis[TI] NOT radiofrequency[TI] AND Tl yoi nagv oi ni ds t emaids soi nngmpaont eunatl i as el l lye cr et iloenv .aSnitmsitlua dr icelsa, ut shees uws ee roef uostehde rwl ihme int esresaar cnhdi nf igl t et hr se wo tahserreds at rtiacbt eads e, rs e. ‐ The references of identified articles and reviews were also checked for relevant articles. A( Cf t. Ke r. Kt. haen ed xEc .lAu .sSi .o) nf i rosf t dausps el i sc sa et eds t, ht he erseel se,vcaonnc fee roef nt hc ee pr er omcaeiendi ni nggrse, ceot cr ,d2s ibnadseepde on nd et ni t tl erse av ni edwaebr ‐s sr et rsaocl tvse, da ni nd bt ho et hn pa hs saes sesse bdyf uc ol l -nt se ex nt saur st i col re sb fyo ar tehl iigr idb irl ei tvyi. eDwi sear .gAr es etmh eernet swbeer tewneoe nr erlee vv iaenwt errasn wd oe mr e‐ ized clinical studies, the methodological quality of the included trials was not rated. Data Extraction Dizaetdafnoermedbedasfeodr oanqureacnotmitamtiveendaantaiolynssisbwyethree extracted from the included trials using a standard‐ Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions , version 5.1.0, part 7.6. The protocol of the review was registered on the Prospero database (identifier CRD42017072072). 12 Repair of the Lateral Nasal Wall in Nasal Airway Obstruction - PMC

7/1/24, 9:49 AM



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