xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles

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TABLE V.3 Evidence surrounding occupational exposure as a risk factor for sinonasal malignancies.

Clinical endpoints


Year LOE Study design Study groups


Binazzi et al. 55

Exposure to wood dust, leather dust, or formaldehyde was associated with increased risk of SNM. Occupational exposure was recognized for 39 out of 65 cases Increased risk of SNM in men after exposure to: - Nasal snuff - Smoking - Hardwood dust for ≥ 1 year 1. The risk of ACC was increased with exposure to: - Wooddust - Leather dust - Organic solvents 2. The risk of SNSCC was increased with exposure to: - Welding fumes - Arsenic 1. Increased risk of SNM in men after exposure to wood dust 2. Exposure to leather dust increased SNM risk in both genders Significantly increased risks were associated (in males) with work in the wood and leather industries 4.6% (11 cases) and 4.4% (11 cases) were attributed to occupational exposure to wood dust, respectively The overall AF was 32.7% (males 43.3%, females 19.8%) due to occupational exposures The anticipated excess of deaths from nasal cancer (10 observed, 1.87 expected) was found to be significant for workers in the finishing room (exposure: shoe manufacturing)


63 studies after 1985

2015 2


development of SNM

with case–control or cohort design

reviewand meta analysis

Bonzini et al. 89

2013 3


Single hospital

1. OS 2. Occupational exposure Profile 1. OS 2. Occupational exposure profile 1. OS 2. Occupational exposure profile 1. OS 2. Occupational exposure profile 1. OS 2. Occupational exposure profile 1. OS 2. Occupational exposure profile 1. OS 2. Occupational exposure profile 1. OS 2. Occupational exposure profile

case–control study of 65 SNM (ITAC andSCC) ( n = 2828 men only; 427 cases and 2401 controls) Multicenter cohort of ACC, Piedmont region ( n = 449; 113 cases and 336 controls) Bavaria registry European multicenter cohort of SNM patients ( n = 1854; 555 cases and 1705 controls) Multicenter cohort of SNM( n = 332; 78 cases and 254 controls) Canadian national registry, SNM (2011, n = 245)

Greiser et al. 94

2012 3


d’Errico et al. 88

2009 3


’t Mannetje et al. 58

1999 3


Comba et al. 85

1992 3


Mofidi et al. 87

2022 4

Retrospective national database review Retrospective national database review Retrospective national database review

Rushton et al. 120 2012 4

National registry

( n = 13,598 deaths, 164 ITAC

NHS Central Register ( n = 5017, 3434 dead)

Pippard and Acheson 121

1985 4

Acheson et al. 86 Relative increase in incidence in High Wycombe woodworkers was 500-fold when compared to the general population Abbreviations: ACC, adenoid cystic carcinoma; OS, overall survival; SEER, Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results; SNM, sinonasal malignancy. 1968 4 Retrospective case series Regional registry review( n = 58) Occupational exposure profile

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