xRead - Nasal Obstruction (September 2024) Full Articles

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TABLE V.2 Evidence surrounding gender as a risk factor for sinonasal malignancies.

Clinical endpoints Conclusion


Year LOE Study design Study groups

Amit et al. 75

520 ACC patients from 15 studies (1985–2011)

1. OS 2. DSS

Patients were aged 20–91 years (median 55 years) and included 44 males (44%)

2013 3

Systematic reviewof

retrospective case series

Husain et al. 73

2013 3

Systematic reviewof

366 ACC patients from 55 studies (1960–2012)

1. OS 2. DSS

ACC occurred more commonly in men than women (1.3:1)

retrospective case series

Ferrari et al. 16


Male-to-female ratio was 2.1 and average age was 61.2 (median: 64; IQR: 52–73)

European centers database of SNC

2022 4


retrospective database review

(MUSES, n = 1360)

Dutta et al. 29



Retrospective national database review Retrospective case series Retrospective national database review Armed forces database review

SEER database 1973–2011 ( n = 13,295)

1. OS 2. DSS

Males comprised 58.6% of SNM cases

M:F ratio was 40:47

1. OS 2. DSS 3. DFS 1. OS 2. DSS

Marcinow et al. 78

2014 4

SNACC patients at a single institution, 1992–2009 ( n = 87)

Sanghvi et al. 74

2013 4

SEER database

57.5% of 412 SNACC patients were female

1973–2009 ( n = 412)

Thompson et al. 77

AFIP database of ACC, 1970–1998 ( n = 86)

1. OS 2. DSS

1. Cohort aged from 12 to 91 years (mean 54.4 years, median 58 years, mode 60 years) included 52% females 2. There was no significant difference in OS between the genders Men and women represented 40.98%( n = 1240) and 59.02% ( n = 1786) of the sample, respectively

2013 4

Ellington et al. 76



Retrospective national database review Retrospective national database review

SEER database of ACC, 1973–2007 ( n = 3026)

1. OS 2. DSS

Turner and Reh 30

SEER database of SNM, 1973–2006 ( n = 6739)


M:F ratio was 1.8:1



Abbreviations: ACC, adenoid cystic carcinoma; DFS, disease-free survival; DSS, disease-specific survival; OS, overall survival; SEER, Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results; SNM, sinonasal malignancy.

and 90% of ITAC specifically (Tables V.3 and V.4). 67,68 In contrast, wood dust exposure shows no significant asso ciation with non-ITAC tumorigenesis. It should be noted, however, that current disease rates may relate to dis tant past exposures. The mean latent period (time of first exposure to time of cancer incidence) has been estimated to be 43 years (range 27–69). 34 Following termination of exposure, the risk of SNM may persist for many years. 34 Professionals working with wood have up to 500–900 times and 20 times increased risk of developing ITAC and SCC, respectively, as compared with the general

population. 84 The AF of occupational exposure to wood dust was estimated at around 20% for both genders. 58,85 The association was first recognized in the 1960s when a cluster of new nasal cancer cases among British wood workers was observed. 86 The European Union has set an exposure limit for inhalable hardwood dust (5 mg/m 3 as an 8-h time-weighted average). In male workers exposed to levels above the limit, the risk of ITAC increases 12 fold. 58 Data from Canada showed that 29% of woodworkers are exposed to levels above the limit. 87 Furthermore, the risk for ITAC doubles every 5 years of exposure

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