xRead - Olfactory Disorders (September 2023)

20426984, 2022, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alr.22929, Wiley Online Library on [04/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License



NSHAP National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project NVF Nasal volume flow OB Olfactory Bulb OBV Olfactory bulb volume OC Olfactory cleft OCD Obsession-compulsive disorder OCM Odor confusion matrix OD Olfactory disorder/dysfunction ODT Odor Memory/Discrimination Test OE Olfactory Epithelium OERP Odor event-related potential OET Open Essence Test OF Olfactory Function OFC Orbitofrontal cortex OFFE Olfactory Function Field Exam OLFACT-RL Osmic Enterprises Olfactometer ON Odor naming test OPM Odor picture matching OR Olfactory receptor ORS Olfactory Reference Syndrome OS Olfactory sulcus OSIT-J Odor stick identification test for Japanese OSL Olfactory sulcus length OSN Olfactory sensory neuron OT Olfactory tract P precuneus PASAT Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test PBT Peanut Butter Test PCC Posterior cingulate cortex or post central cortex PCG Postcentral gyrus PD Parkinson’s disease PDD Parkinson’s disease dementia PDG Parkinson Dementia Complex of Guam PDEI Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor PEA Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol PEMEC phenylethylmethylethyl carbinol PET Positron Emission Tomography PI Post-infectious PIB 11C-Pittsburgh Compound B PIGD Postural instability gait disorder PIOD Post-infectious olfactory disorder PIT Picture Identification Test PIV3 Parainfluenza virus type 3 PNIF Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow PMS progressive multiple sclerosis PNIF –peak nasal inspiratory PO Post-operative POC Primary olfactory cortex

POEM Percepts of Odor Episodic Memory olfactory battery PRISMA Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses PRP Platelet Rich Plasma pSS primary Sjogren’s Syndrome PST R Pocket Smell Test PT Post-traumatic PTA posttraumatic amnesia p-tau phosphorylated tau protein PVOD Post-viral Olfactory Dysfunction QOD Questionnaire of olfactory deficits/disorders QOD-NS Questionnaire of olfactory disor ders – negative statements QOL Olfactory-specific quality of life RA Rheumatoid arthritis RBD rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder RBDSQ REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire rCBF Regional cerebral blood flow RCT Randomized Controlled Trial RLS Restless Leg Syndrome ROC receiver operating characteristic RS Rhinosinusitis RSDI Rhinosinusitis disability index RRMS Relapsing-remitting multiple scle rosis RT Radiation therapy or recognition threshold SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder SARS-CoV-2 Severe acute respiratory syndrome – coronavirus - 2 SCD Subjective cognitive decline SCF Stem cell factor SCZ Schizophrenia SD Signal detection SDMT Symbol Digit Modalities Test SDOIT San Diego Odor Identification Test SF-8 Short Form Health Survey-8 SF-36 Short Form Health Survey-36 SLE Systemic Lupus Erythematosis SND sinonasal disease SNOT-22 Sino-Nasal Outcome Test SOIT Scandinavian Odor Identification Test SPECT Single photon emission tomogra phy SPL Superior parietal lobe SPM Sensory Processing Measure SRT Selective Reminding Test

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