xRead - Olfactory Disorders (September 2023)

20426984, 2022, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alr.22929, Wiley Online Library on [04/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License



TABLE VII.4 (Continued) Study

Year LOE Study design Study groups

Clinical end point


Klimek et al

2017 4

Case series

47 patients with persistent AR


Mean baseline TDI score of the cohort was 23.7 ( ± 3.9), consistent with hyposmia ( ≤ 30.5). intraseasonally, both patients with perennial and seasonal AR exhibited OD as compared with controls Extraseasonally, only odor threshold testing was significantly lower in patients with seasonal AR as compared with controls Odor discrimination and identification similar in AR and control patients preseasonally, but odor thresholds decreased in the AR group Intraseasonal testing revealed OD in the AR group, which correlated with nasal eosinophilic cation protein levels OD existed in > 50%of patients with AR for ≥ 10 years OD exists extraseasonally in patients with AR for ≥ 10 years Patients with non-AR exhibited a significantly lower TDI score consistent with greater OD as compared with patients with AR or mixed rhinitis 50% of patients with AR exhibited hyposmia. No significant difference between patients with CRS in addition to AR. Patients with non-AR had a lower UPSIT R score ( P = 0.06). Of 17 patients with AR, 12 exhibited mild to moderate OD at baseline, 2 were anosmic, and 3 had normal OF (Continues) When tested

Moll et al

1998 4


28 patients with seasonal AR 47 patients with perennial AR Control group: 66 healthy patients

CCCRC olfactory test

CCCRC olfactory test NVF Eosinophilic cation protein levels

Klimekand Eggers

1997 4


17 patients with AR (grass pollen) Control group: 12 healthy patients

Suzuki et al

2018 4


50 control patients 50 patients with AR for < 10years 50 patients with AR for ≥ 10years AR: 50 patients Non-AR: 40 patients Mixed rhinitis: 32 patients

Odor identification (Open Essence test)

Odor detection Odor threshold


La Mantia et al

2018 4


Guss et al

2009 4


31 patients with AR 10 patients with AR + CRS 10 patients with non-AR

UPSIT R CTsinus Allergy Prick Testing

Nasal symptoms UPSIT R Histopathology

Sivamet al

2010 2


Placebo control group: 9 patients with AR Mometasone treatment group: 8 patients with AR

examination of OE

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