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Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 137 (2023) 102487 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Artificial Intelligence In Medicine journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/artmed

Areuvtioemwatic documentation of professional health interactions: A systematic Frederico Soares Falcetta a , c , Fernando Kude de Almeida b , Janaína Conceição Sutil Lemos a , José Roberto Goldim c , Cristiano André da Costa a , ∗ a Software Innovation Laboratory - Softwarelab, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos - Unisinos, Av. Unisinos 950, São Leopoldo, 93022-750, RS, Brazil b Hospital Fêmina, Rua Mostardeiro 17, Porto Alegre, 90430-001, RS, Brazil c Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Rua Ramiro Barcelos 2350, Porto Alegre, 90035-903, RS, Brazil ARTICLE INFO Keywords: EAHutRomatic documentation Neural networks A B S T R A C T

Ec al er ec t. r oHnoi wc es yv setre, mt hs ea r we iidnec sr pe raes ai ndg luys ep r eo sf e nt ht eisne t ht eec hh ne aolltohgci ae rs e esnyds teedm uapn db ua irled ionfgt e na rreel laattei do nt soh ii mp porfo vdeedp emn edde inccael tdhoactu mc aenn t adtiisornu ps ty s tt ehme s dtohcatto rc–appat ut ireen tt h er e pl ahtyi os ni csiha inp–. p aI nt i e nt ht i sc o cnovne tres ax tt i, o nd i ag ni tda l t hsecnr i bgeesn ear ar et e at hu et o dmoactuemd e cnltiantiicoanl fs oy rs t et mh ea t ai cp pl iot ienr tamt uernet , r eevni ae wb l i no gn it nhtee l lpi hg ey ns itc isaonl u tt ioo nesn gf oarg ea uwt oi tmh a ttihc e s ppeaet ci ehn tr eec no tgi nr ei tl iyo. n W( Ae S hR a) vwe i tphe raf uo rt omme da t i ac dd oe tceucmt esnpteaetci oh n a dnud r itnr ag nas cmr i be de i ci ta l i ni n tae rnvai et uwr .a lT ha ne ds csot pr uec ti nu cr el udd ef ads hoinolny soirmi gui lnt aa ln er eosuesal yr c hw iot nh st yh set edmo sc t tohra–tp actoi ue nl dt ieni gt ehrta catritoi cnl,e se xr ec lmu da ii nn ign gs paefet ec rh -ftiol t-et er ixnt g- o nf ol yr ttheec hi nn oc ll uo sgiioens . aTnhde e sxecal ur cs iho nr ecsrui ltteerdi a .i nT hae tionttaell l iogfe n1t9 9m5o dt ei tllse sm, awi ni tl hy co ount ps iustt.e dN oonf ea no fAtShRe sayr st it celme s wh iat dh an actoumr aml lear nc igaul layg ea vpar iol ac eb sl es i npgr ocdaupcatbai lti ttyh, ea t immeed iocfa lt hl ee xpi cuobnl i, caant ido ns t rauncdt ur reepdo rt teexdt ll iamr gi et e- sdc ar leea lc- ll ii nf ei c ea xl ps et ur ideine cs e. .NSoon ef tahr e, l ne sosn, et hoefs et hfei r satp rpel pi coarttiso ns us ghgaess t bteheant ap ur ot os pmeac tt ii cv eslpye evcahl i dr ae tceodg nai nt ido nt ems tae yd bi ne at r avna sl up aa br el en ctyo,o al ci nc utrhaec yf ,u taunrde et om pf aactihl iyt act oe uml de dd ircaaslt irceagl li ys t rcahtai onng ei nh oa wf a ps taetri eannt ds amn odr ed or ce tl oi arbs l ee xmp earni enne cr .e I am mp reodviicnagl vbiesliite.vUentfhoarttufnuatuterely,wcolrinkicinaltdhaistaaroena tihsenuescaebssilairtyy aanndd bneenedefeidts. of such applications is almost non-existent. We

1. Introduction a o n n d E E o l l e e f c c te t t r r n o o n n re i i c c la s H t y e e s d t a e

as onudr cpeh yosf i cdieatnesr i ohraavtei o nu niann itmh eo uisnl tye raapcpt iooinn t ae dn dt hai sc al ausste pf or or bilne mc r e aa ss e da dissSaotimsfeacatuiothno. rs believe that the relationship has changed from a dyad (md oo rcet ,o rt–hpear tei eins t )a nt oe r ar o nt rei oa ud s (idmopc rt oe sr s–icoonmtphuatte ri –npc ar et iaesni nt )g [t2h]e. pFruerstehnecre ot rfe at temc hennot l oagl gy o rwi tohuml ds , r ce odpuyc ien gm eodf i cma ol deerlr orresp. oTr thse, as tnadn deavredni z amt ieodni c oa fl rt oe c bo er d ms coarne orfetae dn albe laed, tpor os edrui oc euds cwa ri tehe rorvoer rs u. sEel e oc tf r oc on pi cy naont eds po af tsetne , naene dd tt oh oe cl ao rngt ee xdt uoef itno p ua tni fei nl tte rc eadr e ,d ap thay ssitcoiraends irne pootrht ee dr pt haar tt s worfi t ti nh ge pErHo Rg r. eIsns notes in EHRs takes more time than it should. Consequently, the notes

l t m t o h m ly s (oEt hMeRr s t) atsok si m. pT rhoevs ee t shyes tqeuma lsi t yc oonf t pa iant i ednatt ac a rf reoamn dt ha ne a pl yazt ei ecnot s’ st s ,maemd oi cnagl roet choe rr dh, esaul ct hh parso tf ee ss st i or ensaul sl t, s a, ni nd f ot hr me i ar toi opni n fi roonms [ t1h]e. i rO np rtehvei ooutsh evri shi tasn tdo, oc ot hpeyri npgr oobf l reemp so rht sa vaen db eme ne dgi ceanle rr ea ct eodr dos ,r rwe porros ednuec dt i obny oEf Ht oRos : efxrteeqnus ei vnet ap na pd e pr -owoor lryk raenadd as by lset e nmo treesq, uiinr ce rme ae snet ds , triemp el i csapt ei onnt bo yf i pn raocvc iudreartse fiinl lfionrg mation and diverting the attention of the care providers. Both patients ∗ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: fredfalcetta@gmail.com (F.S. Falcetta), fernandokude@gmail.com (F.K. de Almeida), csutil@unisinos.br (J.C.S. Lemos), jgoldim@hcpa.edu.br (J.R. Goldim), cac@unisinos.br (C.A. da Costa). hRtetcpesi:v/e/ddo3i.oMrga/y1200.12021; 6R/ej.caeritvmededi.n20r2e3vi.s1e0d24fo8r7m 4 January 2023; Accepted 4 January 2023 s i R m a e r p e c r o i o r n v d c e s r d e ( a E m s H in e R d g s l i ) y ca a p l n r c e d a se r E e n l . e t c D in t o ro t c h n to e ic r h s M e a a e n lt d d h ic c n a a u l r r e R se s e y s c s o r t r e e d

Available online 19 January 2023 0933-3657/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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