xRead - Outside the Box (March 2024) - Full Articles

F.S. Falcetta et al. mw oa ryk innogt dbaey ,acvaaui lsai nb lge nteog aottihv ee r i mc apraec ttse aomn pma tei me nbt ecr as r ae .t Itnh ea dedni tdi oonf, tt hh ee puesercfeoprtiroensetahracthe[l3ec]t.ronic notes may not be accurate also impairs their m u sFto re l iamni neal et ec t roorndi cr ads toiccua lml ye nrteadtui ocne tshyes t enme e dt of obre pthryusl yi c ieafnfse cttoi v es p, l ii tt ts ho emi re sattet epns tti oo ng ebnye r taut er ntihneg dtooc uamceonmt apt iuot ne r f oarntdh emaapnpuoai lnl tympe enrt f. oIrnmtihnigs ct hoantt ecxatp, t du irgei ttahle s pc rhiybseisc iaarne– paauttioemn ta tceodn vcel irns ai ct ai ol nd oa cnudmt he ne nt a tgieonne rsaytset etmh es dwoi tchu mt he en t aptai toi ne nfto re nt ht ier eal py p. oBi ny t mr eednut c, i enng a bt hl ien gt i tmh ee pahn yds i ec fi faonr tt oi nevnegsat eg de bp yo t epnhtyi as il c itaon ismi pn r ot hvee dt hoec upmh eyns itcaitai on n– ppa rt ioecnets sr,e ldaitgi iotna sl hsicpr i abne ds hdaevc er e tahs ee pv ehryssai tciioann cbouur lndo ub et [m4 ]o.r eF uarctchuerramt eo raen, da nt haour ot oumg ha t ti hc aa lnl ya t rr ae ng us cl ar irb me da nc ou na -l t r a nTshc rei pptrieosne,nat l sl ot uwdiyn gp rpoavt ii de ne st s at od erteavi il ee wd oavnedr veide iwt tohfe ti rh eo wt enc hdnaot al o [g5i e] s. ihnevaol tl hv eidn tienr adcetvi oe lnospai nn gd ahpi gphl ilci ag thi tosntshfeo cr ot hmepal euxt iotmy ao tf i ct hdi so ct yupmeeonft as yt isot ne mo f. To nh ee vaaultuhaotri ns gp rt ehsee ni nt t es ol lliug teinotn sm do edveel sl odpeesdc r fi ob re dt hi ins spuucrhp ows eo,r kfso. c uMs oi nr ge sappepcriof iaccahl el ys ,, wa ne de vt oaol ul sa tuesde dt h ien mt ha ec hai un teo lme aa rt ni ci ndgo mc uemt heondt as ,t i aornc hoift ehcet ua lrteh, ii nf ttehrearcet i oi sn sa, vtahi el a be lxee ci un tf ioornm oa tf i ol anr gree-gs ac ar dl ei ntge sst ys s ot enmt haecscee ps ot al untci eo nbs y, at nh de userTsh. e main contributions of this work are: 1. tParteisoenntofthheeailntthelilnigteernatctmioondsels used in the automatic documen 2. tDioesncrfoibreatuhteomchatailclednogceusminevnotalvtieodnin the creation of an applica 3 . oE fl uhcei da al tthe it nh tee rpar cotbi ol enms sa ni ndv ohlovwe d awu ti ot hmtar tai dc i tdi oo cnua ml deonct ua tmi oenn tcaot ui ol nd improve this process w e Wd ee s sctrri ub cet uwr ehda tt hci os ns st tuidt uyt ei ns t ot hsee vheena lstehc t iroenc os .r dI n, tthhee spe rcoocneds ss eccat il ol end, ao nf aimn fnoer smi sa toi ro nm egda itchaelr ihni gs t of royr tda ikaignngoas insd ahnodw t rt he ai st mi se on nt ,e aonf dt hteh ep i lpl ao rss st hi bi ri ldi t ys e cotfi odni gi si t aal bsrci reifb rees v ireewg i sot fe rtihneg f itehlids opfr oa cr teisfsi c iaaul t ionmt eal tl ii cgae lnl yc e. Ta nhde ad pe eppl i claetai or nnisn tgh, aat nuds ens atteucrhanl ollaonggi eusa gs eu c phr oa cs eas rs ti ni fgi c. i aTl hnee uf or aulr tnhe tswe cotrikosn, ds eecatliso nw, iwt he tdhees cmr i ebteh ot hdeo lroegs yu l tosf otfh oi su rr essueravrecyh. Ipna pt he re, sai xntdh isne ctthi oen ,f i wf t he dinistchuessseovuer nrtehsusletcs taionnd, fwuteurperedsierenct toiounrs cionntchliussfiioenlds. of research. Finally, 2. Health records ( E HERl )e csttroorne i cmMe deidc ai cl arl e Rc oe rcdosr di ns (aE cMoRms p) uatne dr i zEelde cwt raoyn. i cE MH Re a il st hg eRneecroarldl ys dd ee ff ii nn ee dd aass aann i ni tnetrenr a- ol rogragnainz ai zt ai ot inoanl a ls ys sytset me m. , I nw ht iul er nt,h eP eErHs oRn ai sl uHs eu aa ll tl hy Ra iemc os rtdos g (i vPeH pRa) t iaernet socnl leianre i ns yf os rt emma st i opna tai enndt se nuasbel.e Tt hhei sm t tyop eb eoef nsgyasgt ee md . Ci nof mo rbmi ne edd, , atnhde steh es yi rs tienmt esg rcaatni oenn ac bo luel da l hl epl apr tci rees a itne v mo l av sesdi vteo dbaet abbeat st ee sr t h a tE Hc oRu/l Ed Mb eR asnyasltyezme ds fuosrurael lsye a sr tcohr ep upr aptoiseenst [d1e] .m o g r a p h i c s , p r o g r e s s nn oi ztaetsi,o pnrso, bl al ebmo rsa, t mo reyddi caat tai,oanns ,d vriat adli oslioggnys , r pe pa os tr tms e[ 1d ]i c. aI lt hi si si tmo rpyo,r ti amnmt ut o nd ao tt ae tahnadt eElHi mRi/nEaMt eRs tdhoee sn eneodt rf oe fr e pr aopnel ry rteoc od ri gd ist. i zTi hn ge s pe astyi es nt et ms ’ smaei dmi c taol

Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 137 (2023) 102487 dtheeliivrerrecqouradlsit[y6]p.atient care and maintain the safety and integrity of s u r vHeoywheavs efro, uEnHd Rt h/ Ea tM2R1 .f1a%i l eodf tt oh ea pc ha ti ei evnet st hc eoiur l dg of ai nl sd eanmt i ri setl ayk. eAi nr etcheeni rt e4l2e.c3t%r o noifc t hh ee a cl tahs erse c[ o7r]d. sUannf od r tt uh na at ttehl ye y, dciogui tl idz ebde scyosnt es mi dse rpeedr ms eivt etrheo si ne et iror no r hs atso abl seo r ec po nl i tcrai tbeudt eidn dt eof iwn ii tdeel syp, raena dd dp ehgyrsai cdieadn cdl ii snsiac tai ls fda oc tciuomn ewn it tah El eHa sRt sp [a3r t, 8l y],. wAitt ht hi ne csraema see dt ipmhey, s itchiea na db ou pr nt ioount ao nf dE Hs t Rr ess si ,s aansds oscyima tpe tdo, ma st tendExtaomgpeltews oofrsEeHaRftuersamgeandyetheromurisnaonf tus sien [d9e,v1e0l]o.ped countries include ds eecsui gr ni t,y e, acsoes tos f, uu ss ee ,r itni mt e reo/ pweor rakbliol iatdy , boertgwa enei zna dt ieopna rs ti zme e, nI Tt s , s pu rpipv oa rcty, aa nn dd ternavi ni rionngm. Ienn tt hci so mc obni tneexdt , wr ei at hl - t ipmr oe pteers t ivnegn doof rE Mt r aRisn/iEnHg Rcsa inn caown tor ri bk ui nt ge tcoomrepdleuxcisnygstpemhyssi[c6i]a.n burnout due to the pressures of working with a ti n a a l T m in h n f e o es r p i m s ro a o c t r i e o m s n s e c o d o f i l c l a g e l a ct t h e h i d s e t r o d in r u y g ri t n i a n g k f i o a n r g s m t . r a T u t h c io t is u n r c e o f d r n o v i m n e t r e s t r a h v t e i i o ew n pa . c t o I i t e n n a ta t ss in e is s s s e c e s a s s l t e l h e n d e - ps iaotni es nf to’ rs ac odmi a pg lnaoi ns its( st )o wb ei t mh aadl le i[t1s 1r]e. l Ienv aand td ict hi oanr atcot ei nr ifsotri mc s a at inodn dr ei ml a teend tpos ytchheo spoactiiaelnct h’ s a rcaocmt eprlias it ni ct ss ,a rpea satl s mo coor bl liedc t he di s.t oTrhye, y f ca amni lhye lhpi st thoer yh,e aalnt hd pn roos ft ei cs shi oynpaolt he el as be so rcaot ne sat i tsue tt eoaf dl iisat gonfo sdtiisce ahsyepsotthhae ts ems a[ y1 2o]r. mT haeys en odti abge ee vx aa ml u sa,t el idk ed luarbi no gr a tt ho er ypohryismi caagl i enxgatme si tnsa. tTi ohne foi rn at hl roobuj egcht icvoemi sptloe mc oennftiar rmy opnroeceosfs.the hypotheses and exclude the others, ending the diagnosis c k e n s o s T w c h l a e e n d c g b li e e n , i d c w i a v e l i h d ca e is n d to i m r n y t e o n is t p i c o r o a n m ct t p i h c l e a e l x a a b a n i n l d i d ty t r h e t e q o o u r c i e r o t e l i l s c e a t c r l t a d i i o n n m f in o a r g m in [ a 1 s. t 3 i I ] o n . n T p t h r h a i r s c o t p u ic r g o a h - l tahned i tnht ee rnvoi enw- i nut seirnr gu ps tpi eo cni foi cf tt he ec hpnaitqi eune ts ,ws hu iclhe ap sr os vi liedni nc eg , i onpf oe rnmqaut ei os tni .o On sn, tehnet i roet hcelri nhi caanl d ,k nt ho ew ltehdegoer e at inc da l cdaonm ba ei n scuomn ms t iat rui tzeesd t ha es pt hr oe f edses pi ot nh a lo’ sf hd ii as gcnl ionsiics a, l t hk enroewf ol er ed,g er e [q1u4i r]e. sT khne ocwolnesdt gr ue c ot ifo ne aocfh ao cf otrhree cdt i ds ei fafseerse nt thi aa tl wpriollvibdeei[n1c5lu]d. ed and the types of information that the anamnesis will h e aDl t uh r ipnrgo ftehses i ao nn aa ml bn ue si li ds par odcyens sa,mt hi ce lmi s ut l tt hi palte wq ui lel s thi ao vnes ai tsekme ds bayd dt he de an ne sdi se, x tchl ue dr eefdo rdee, piesn da i ndgy noanmeiacc hp roofc tehs se pt haat ite nc ta’ ns atnaskwe e dr si f [f e1r6e]n. t Apnaatmh s aI nn da dddei pt ieonnd, st hseo lde loyc t oo nr – pt ha et i eqnut erset li ao tni so nasshkiepd p al anyds tah seiigr nai fni cs wa netr sr o[l1e 7i]n. feaxceirl ci tias et idn gb yt h itsh ep r ho ec ae lstsh. Ipt rdo ef epsesni odns aol ,n t oh teh epra tf iaecnt to’ rs s cslui ncihc aal s sei tmu aptai tohny, aI nn dt ht hi se ceonnvtier xo tn, mt he ne t hwe ha el trhe ipt r iosf ebsesiino gn acla ror fi teedn oruetc, oarmd so nt hg eo tahnear ms [n1e8s ]i s. oc rne atthi ne g cdoims tpr auct teiro ns si ml eualdt ai nnge ot uo stlhy e al os s hs eo f ciomnpdourct tasn ti ti,n fsoarvmi nagt i ot inm. eS obmuet pt hr eo freescsoi or dn apl sr orne ec ot rodetrhr oe rcs of nr os uml t t ha fet earmt oh ue netnodf, dc eotsat ii nl egd tiinmf oe ramnadt imo na kt hi nagt musNtebwe rseogluisttieornesd.can be devised to enable an electronic record of tr he lea t ai onnasmh inpe.s iOs nwe i ot hf otuhte md i si st r at hc tei nugs e o or f daius tt uo rmb ai nt igc ts hp ee e cdho crteocro– gp na it ti ieonnt aB ne dl o wr e icso ar dbi nr ige,f dwehs iccrhi p tai roen bo af stehde s oe nt e tchhen oul soeg i oe fs aanr tdi f ti hc ieai lr pi notseslilbi gi lei tni ce es .. patiTehnet–dinofcotromr aintitoenracptriooncessissinsghofwlonwintFoigg.e1n.erate documentation of u m eAnst asthi oonw, na i rne aFli-gt i.m1e, rEeHc oRr di so fa psaptei ec ni fti c i nmf oerdmi uamt i o nf o. r Acsl ipnri ce avli oduos lcy- mentioned, digital scribes are automated systems that capture the


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