xRead - Outside the Box (March 2024) - Full Articles

F.S. Falcetta et al. awi omr ekde dt oa nf idn dd envoet l oo pn el yd pbaupt earlss ot htahtods ee spc ar ipbeer sh tohwa tt hr eepionrtte lt lhi ge ei rn ut ssaybs ti leimt ys, av ca cl iedpattai bo inl i twy e, raen dh iagchcl uy r aa nc yt i. cFi pi naat el ldy , ads aet av iodne nr ce ea l o- l fi f tehtee spt oi nt eg natni adl ci lmi npi ac ac tl of tAhes pinrteesrevnetnedtioanbsovfoer, fimewprpoavpeedrspwateierne tfocuarned. that properly described al ipc ap tl ii oc antsi own es rwe i st he l et hc tee da ,b oavs emmoe sntt i oo tnheedr cahrat ircalcetse rwi set ri ce s .c oOnnsliyd eeriegdh t t op ubbe as tbaoguets os pf edeec vhe- tl oo -ptme xetn- ot ,n layn ds yas tt elme as s. t Tohnee pwraosg rcar me ast e wd efroer ai n p da ri ft fi ec ruel na rt ca ob no tveex. t H[ o5 w0 ]e. v Te rh, e wi ne t eclal ing esnutmmmoadr iezl es wt hearte i pt r me soe snttleyd c ionn smi s ot er de do ef t aa inl Al eSxRi c osny,s taenmd swt r iut hc t unraetdu rt ea xl t l oa un tgpuuatg. eI mppr oo rcteasns it nl yg, dc oa cpua mb iel int yt a, t iao nms ehdoiuc ladl btreanpsrcerispetnitoend. in a structured manner and not as a plain dialogue w te e st r T s e h r i e e n p so t o h l r u e ti i t n r io g e n a s u r s d l e y e r s s c t a r a c i g b c e e e s p d t o h a f a b v i d l e e it v n y e o l o t o r b p e m w e e o n n r c d t. lin S a i c o c c m a u l e r ly a s c v t y i a ll l [ id 4 n a 3 e t e , e 4 d d 5 t , a 4 o n 7 d p ]. r m e T s a e w y t ou fs etdh eomn l yw er er ec otredset edda au dsiion gf lreo mt i mp ea t bi eyn to-ndeo cdt oo cr t do ira [l o4g8u, 4e 9s ][, 4a4n] d. Tahneo tthweor mt h oa sl mt tohloorgoyucglhi nl yi ct e[ s4t6e]d oarp spilmi cualtai ot inosn isnovfo rl ve es cduaecst iut aula pt iaotni es n[t5s 0i ]n. aWn eocpahn et iams iel ys asve ee df rboymp ht hy es i ceixaanms pu lsei ns ga bt hoevsee tahpapt l iccl ai nt ii oc an ls ,duast ea r os na t ai scf caec pt itoanb,i lai tnyd, a c c uF ruat cuyr ei nd er evae ll -owp omr ledn tcsl i cnai cna la lsrceeandayr i bo es af or er easbe seenn. t Ffirros mt , tthhee nl i et ewr atteucrhe -. ns hool ougl di e sb es h oe vual dl u ba tee dt e sut seidn gi n mr eoar el - l isfieg ncilfiinciacnatl sncuemn abrei ross oa fn dp aetfifei cnitesn. cAy cr ol innmi c e, nat s htoos pt ei tsat l , h oo wr at hhe e aalpt hp lciacraet i osny s tceomu l dw cohual dn gbe e e vs ue ri tyadbal ye we novrik ft oh re bt ee ct thenr i coarl wi s os ur sees. aSrei cs ionngd ,a fmt eor r ed ewp loorykmwe ni l tl tboe rreeaql u- liirf ee d i nt ot e ri amc pt iroonvse. Rmeuclot agnnei zoiunsgl y d, ipf rf eo rt ee nc tti ni gn daigvai di nusat l es nwv ihr oe nn mme no tr ae l np oe oi spel,ea na dr ei nttaelrkpi nr egt i ns ig ms t aendci ceas l sjoa r gf aorn. aTrhei r dd i, f fai cuut ol tmi e as t itch astp eheacvhe raepcpoeganriet di o ni n aanldm oasut t oaml l aitni c st et rl lui cg teunrceed s od louctui omnes nt toa ti mi o pn r oc ov ue l hd e ba let hi nc at er eg .r aMt eadc hwi ni et hl eoatrhnei rn ga ratligf iocri iat lh mi n s ca on ud l df i l il dpeanpt ei fryw roerdk ff laasgt es ,r . s Tu hg eg ef si nt ai ml gpooarlt ai sn mt qour ee spt iaot ni esn ot rs ai fnetteyr vaenndt itoi mn se, for the clinician to interact with patients. 7. Conclusion o ta u n r e In o su u t b s h j i e r s e c p g t, a is p a t u e ra r t , t o i wm on e at h i i n c av h s e p e e a th e lt c o h h r c o a r u r e g e c h o s l g e y n tt r i i e t n i v o g i n s e . w w I e n i d t t e h t r h e s e s t t r l u i i t n c e t r u t a h r t e e u d r t e o a p n r i e d c ga c s r i o m d m i u n e l g s - fi nr oc mr e at shi en gu tnhme edt onc euemde fnot ra tmi oonr eb ur redl ieanb loen mp reodvi ci da el rtsr.aTn hs cer ti pi mt i eo npsh ywsiitchi ao nu st sf rpuesnt dr a wt i oi tnh ftohre ibr oat tht epnat ti oi enn tdsi raenc dt e dd ot cot os cr sr .e eTnhsi sh ar es vl ioenwg cboe ue nl d as hs oouwr cteh oa tf db ee vaevl oapi lma belnet. s Naor en ectohme liensgs , i tnh et h fee wf i e sl dt u, dbiue ts rtehaalt- l ihf ae vde a rt ae psot ri ltle dn ereedssu lttos ad be mo uot n ts ht rea tue sda tbhi lai tt ys uacnhdp rr oe ldi ua bc ti lsi tayr eovf i at hb el e dainf fde rceonutl da pb pe l wi c ea lt li oanc sc ehpat ev de ba ny duas edrj us .s tWt ho er km i tsos tt ihl el nneeceedsss aorfyt ht oe pi mr opf reos svieo nt ha les eoxni stthi ne gf raopnpt l li icnaet i. o n s f p a r c o i v A li i u t n a t g t o e m tr m a a n t e i d s c p i s c a p a r e l e e n r c e c h g y i , r s e t a r c c a o c t g u io n ra n it c i i y o n , n a a m n fa d a s y t e e b m r e p a a a n t v d h a y m lu c o a o r b e u le l r d e to l d i o a ra l b s i l n e tic t m h a a l e l n y f n u c e t h u r a . re n Im g to e - ht hoawt upsaet i tehnitss tae nc hd ndool oc gt oyr sh aevxep earlireenacdey ab eme en d ci coaml mv iesri ct .i aSl iozme de bpur ot dnuecetds mI n otrhe i ss cpi eanptei rf i, c weev i hd ae vn ec es uo mf tmh eairri zuesda bt ihl iet yl ,a taecsct e rpet saebai rl icthy , oann dt haec cs uu rbaj ec yc t. tuhs aa tb ci loi tuyl da nbde bf oeunne df i tisn otfh seulci the raaptpulri ec .a tUi onnf os ritsu anlamt eol syt, nc ol innei cxai sl tde antta. Fount ut hr ee work in this area is necessary and needed. n n o

Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 137 (2023) 102487

Declaration of competing interest c i a l T ihnet ear eust thso rosr dpeecrlsaorne a lt hraetl atthi oe ny s hhiapvse t hn aot kcnoouwl dn hcaovme paept ipnega rfei nd a nt o- influence the work reported in this paper. Acknowledgments p r o vTehme eanut t hoof r Hs iwg hoeurl dE dl iukcea t ti oo n t hPaenr sko nt nh ee l C- oCoAr dPiEnSa ,t i oBnr a zf oi lr (tFhi ne a nI mc e- Cc aoldDe e0v0e l1o)p ma nedn t t h- eC NNPaqt i,oBn raal z Ci l o(uGnrcainl t f oNru mS cbi ee rnst i 3f i0c 9 a5n3d7 / T2 e0c2h0n- 7o l oa gnid 404572/2021-9) for supporting this work. Appendix. Tables with general and specific questions TabTlehse6taabnldes7.containing general and specific questions are given in References [1] Heart T, Ben-Assuli O, Shabtai I. A review of PHR, EMR and EHR integration: A2 0 m1 7o;r6e( 1p)e: 2r s0o–n5a. l ihztetdp : /h/eda xl t.hdcoai .roer ga/n1d0 p. 1u0b1l i6c/ jh. he lapl tt h. 2 0p1o 6l i.c0y8. . 0H0e2a.l t h P o l i c y T e c h n o l [2] Scott D, Purves IN. Triadic relationship between doctor, computer and patient. I8n3t7e7ra8c-t2.Comput 1996;8(4):347–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0953-5438(97) [3] Payne TH, Alonso WD, Markiel JA, Lybarger K, Lordon R, Yetisgen M, et al. Ua ns di n gp hvyosi iccei atno scar et ias tf ea citni op na t. i eJ na tmpi ar o Og rpees ns n2o0t1e 8s :; 1E(f2f e) :c2t 1s 8o–n2 6n .o thet ttpi m: / e/ ldi nx .edsos ,i . qo ur ga/l i1t 0y ,. 1093/jamiaopen/ooy036. [4] Quiroz JC, Laranjo L, Kocaballi AB, Berkovsky S, Rezazadegan D, Coiera E. Cb uh radl leenn. g eNsP Jo fD idgei tv eMl oepdi n g2 0 1a 9 ;d2i(g1i )t :a1l – 6s .c r hi bt tep : /t o/ d xr e. ddouic. oe r gc/l 1i n0i.c1a0l 3 8d/osc4u1m7 e4n6t-a0t1i o9n 0190-1. [5] Tagoapionl. EB.aDsieceBpomokesdiUciSnAe;: 2H0o1w9.artificial intelligence can make healthcare human [ 6 ] AU lndl oo scakreid B2. 0P1 a7t; i9e:n2t3s0’ –s3a.f ehttyt pi:n/ / dt hxe. d oeir.ao r og /f 1E0M. 1R0 /1E6H/ jR. i mauu.t2o0m1a7t.i1o0n..0 0I n1 f. o r m M e d [7] Bell SK, Delbanco T, Elmore JG, Fitzgerald PS, Fossa A, Harcourt K, et al. Fa mr e bq uu leant coyr y acnadr e tnyopteess . oJfA Mp aAt i eNnett-wr eoprokr tOe dp e ne r r2o0r2s 0 ;i3n( 6 e) :lee2c t0r5o8n6i c7 . hhet at pl t:h/ / dr xe .cdoor id. org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.5867. [8] Hammond KW, Helbig ST, Benson CC, Brathwaite-Sketoe BM. Are electronic med iAcMa l I Ar e caonrndus a lt r suys mt wpoorstihuym? pOrbosceerevdaitni ogns ,s voonl . c2o0p0y3i n, gA, mp ea rs it ci na gn aMnedd idcua pl lIi nc af ot iromna. t Ii cns: Association; 2003, p. 269. [9] Kroth PJ, Morioka-Douglas N, Veres S, Babbott S, Poplau S, Qeadan F, et al. As t sr seos cs i aa tni do nb uorfn oeul et c. tJr Ao nMi cA hNeeatlwt ho r rke cOopr edn d2e0s 1i g9n; 2 (a8n)d: e 1u9s 9e 6 f0a9c.t ohrtst pw: /i/t dh x .cdl oi ni .ioc ri agn/ 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.9609. [10] Adler-Milstein J, Zhao W, Willard-Grace R, Knox M, Grumbach K. Electronic hh eo aulrtsh arnedc o mr des s saangde bvuo rl un mo uet : aTs si omcei a tsepde nwt i ot hn et hx he a eulset ci ot rno nbiuc t hneoatl t hw irt ehc ocrydn i ac if st emr ahmttpo:n/g/dxp.rdimoia.oryrg/c1a0r.e10c9li3n/ijcaimanisa./oJczA22m0. Med Inform Assoc 2020;27(4):531–8. [[ 11 12 ]] OS treive ennt sJoMn , I .S aTphi er a dJi Da g. nSoaspt iicr a i’ ns taerrtv i&e ws.c iNe ne cwe Yo fo rbke: dMs i de de i cdai al gDneops iasr.t mL We nWt , ; H2a0r1p2e.r & Row; 1971. [[ 11 34 ]] SWcehinnasbt eeiln TMGC. ,I sF imn eebdei crign eH Vs t,i lEl las tne ianr tA? SM, Farsas zMi e re dHi cSa, l NSeouch; a1u9s8e 3r .D , N e u t r a R R , e t al. Clinical decision analysis. Saunders Philadelphia; 1980. [[ 11 56 ]] GE irsoeonpbme ragn MJ J. . HAocwc udr aoccyt oar ns dt hpi nr ekd. i cHt oi vueg hv taol un e Ms iinf f lci nl i nHi caarlc od ue cr ti ;s i 2o n0 -0m8 .a k i n g . C l e v e l Clin J Med 1995;62(5):311–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.3949/ccjm.62.5.311. [17] Sackett DL. A primer on the precision and accuracy of the clinical ex a0m34in8a0t1i9on0.08J0A0M3A7.1992;267(19):2638–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/jama.1992. [[1189]] LvaipnkiBnucMh.emThMe Mm,edBiocoalsminatnerHvi,ewBauaenrd MrePl,atKeadnstkIiMlls,. C1a9m87m. el SA, Steyerberg EW. TNhPeJ dDiiggiitta lMsecdr i b2 e0 2i1n; 4c(l1i n) :i1c –a 8l . phr at tcpt :i /c /e d: xA. d os ci .oopr ign/g1 0r.e1v0i 3e w8 / sa4n1d7 4r6e -s 0e a2 r1c-h0 0a4g3e2n-d5a. . [ 2 0 ] Gi mhpa ltenme keanrt aSt i, o nF ailne t cs kl iyn i cAa,l Np raamc tbi cued:i rAi sVcEo.p iDn igg irteavl i eswc r.i bHee aul tt ihl i tTye cahnndo l b2a0r r2i 1e r; 1s – t7o. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12553-021-00568-0.


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