xRead - Outside the Box (March 2024) - Full Articles

F.S. Falcetta et al. [21] Paranjape K, Schinkel M, Panday RN, Car J, Nanayakkara P. Introducing artificial ihntttepl:l/i/gdenx.cdeoit.roarign/in1g0.2in19m6/e1d6ic0a4l8e. ducation. JMIR Med Educ 2019;5(2):e16048. [ 2 2 ] sPyasnt ce hm sT. , JS zGolloobv ai tls HP e, aAl tt hu n2 R0 1. 8A; r8t(i 2f i)c. i ahl t ti pn :t/e/l ldi gx e. dnocie. o, rmg /a 1c h0 i. n7 e1 8l e9a/ rj on gi nhg. 0a8n. 0d2h0e3a0l 3t h. [ 2 3 ] 2R0a 1j k9o; m3 8a0r( 1A4, ) :D1 e3a4n7 –J5,8 K. ohht tapn: /e/ dI .x .Md oaic.ho irnge/ 1l0e.a1r0n5i n6g/ Ni En J Mm read1i c8i1n4e2. 5N9 . E n g l J M e d [ 2 4 ] 2H0a1m7e; 6t 9 : SP3, 6 –T4r0e.mhbtltapy: / / dJx. . d Ao ir.toi rf igc/i 1a l0 . 1i0n1t e6l/l ji .gme ne ct aeb o li .n2 0 1m7e. 0d1i c. 0i n1e1. . M e t a b o l i s m [ 2 5 ] iJni a nhge aFl t,h cJai ar en:g PYa ,s t ,Z hpir eHs e, n tD oanngd Yf u, t uLri e .H ,S t Mr oak e S ,V aestc aNl . e uArrotli f i2c i0a1l 7 i; 2n (t e4l)l.i ghe nt tcpe: //dx.doi.org/10.1136/svn-2017-000101. [ 2 6 ] iGnat zezgar ar at itoanRo, fVee-rhgeaarlit hF , i nVteor l itnhdee nc l iJnMi c,a lMwo roarnk df lio wF ,– eNl eacs ot r oSn, i cP ahr oe adlit hV ,r eect oar dl . Ta nhde stetalenmdaartdicisz.atSiporninegfefor;rt2s.01In2:, Ipn.te1r0n7a–ti1o5n.al conference on smart homes and health [27] Abiodun OI, Jantan A, Omolara AE, Dada KV, Mohamed NA, Arshad H. S2 t0a1t 8e -; o4 f( -1t 1h )e:-ea0r 0t 9 i3n8 . ahr tt ti fpi :c/i /a dl x .ndeoui r. oa rl g /n1e0t w. 1o0r1k6 /aj .phpelliicyaot ni o. 2n 0s :1 8A. e 0s0u9r 3v 8e y. . H e l i y o n [28] Otter DW, Medina JR, Kalita JK. A survey of the usages of deep learning for natu- rhatltpl:a/n/gduxa.dgoei.porrogc/e1s0si.1n1g.09IE/ETENNTLraSn.2s 0N2e0u.2ra9l79N6e7tw0. Learn Syst 2020;32(2):604–24. [ 2 9 ] tGeuc ph tnai q Du e, s B iann s as pl e Pe c, hC hr eo cuodghnairt yi o nK. . STpheee c sht a tLea nogf Pt hr eo c ea sr st oHf u mf e -aMt uarceh e Cx torma cmt i uo nn 2018;195–207. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-6626-9_22. [30] Latif S, Qadir J, Qayyum A, Usama M, Younis S. Speech technology for hE en agl t2h0c 2a r1e; 1: 4O: 3p4p2o–r 5t u6n. i ht i tetsp, : /c/hdaxl .lde on ig. eo sr ,g /a1n0d. 1 s1t0a9t e/ RoBf MtEh .e2 0a2r 0t .. 3I0E0E6E8 6R0e. v B i o m e d [31] Ziman K, Heusser AC, Fitzpatrick PC, Field CE, Manning JR. Is automatic speech- tMo e- ttehxot d st r 2a n0 s1c8r;i5p0t i(o6n) : 2r5e9a 7d –y 6 0f o5r. hutst ep : /i /nd xp. sdyoci h. oorlgo/g1i c0a. 3l 7e5x8p/esr1i 3m4e2n8t -s 0? 1 B8 -e1h0a 3v 7 -R4e. s [ 3 2 ] iCnatlel rafwa caey tEoC ,a Shwo es pe ti t aCl Fi,n fSoiremg ealt i oEn, Rs yesitseemr JuMs i,n gB eaa l ls eDl f P- d. e sSipgeneecdh vri es uc oa gl nbi tai soinc p1r0o.1g0ra0m7/:BInFi0t3ia1l9e1x9p0e2ri.ence. J Digit Imaging 2002;15(1):43–53. http://dx.doi.org/ [33] Singh M, Pal TR. Voice recognition technology implementation in surgical pathol- ohgttyp::/A/ddvxa.dnotai.goersg/a1n0d.5l8i5m8i/taatripoan.s2.0A10rc-h07P1a4t-hOoAl .Lab Med 2011;135(11):1476–81. [34] sJyoshtnemsoanticM,reLvaiepwkinofS,spLeoencgh Vre,coSgannicthioenz tPe,chSnuoolmoginyenin Hh,eaBlathsilackarise. JB, MetC aMl. eAd I1n4f-o9r4m. Decis Making 2014;14(1):1–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1472-6947- [ 3 5 ] pAhl ayps ei ct ii at en s A: ,A Asnudrevresye no fH Be x, pHe cetrat tziuomn s , Me.x pAecrci ee np ct ae ns ,c ea nodf ss op ceieaclh i nr felcuoegnnciet .i oInn t b yJ H00u4m. -Comput Stud 2009;67(1):36–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2008.08. [36] Blackley SV, Huynh J, Wang L, Korach Z, Zhou L. Speech recognition for clinical d2 0o c1u9m; 2e6n( 4t a)t: i3o2n4 –f r3o8m. h1t9t p9 :0/ /t do x2. d0o1i8. o: rAg /s1y0s t. 1e m0 9a3t i/cj arme vi ai e/wo c. yJ1A7 9m. M e d I n f o r m A s s o c [ 3 7 ] sZei cr vk i cRe Gf,o rO lps he ny s iJc. i aVno icchea rr teicnogg ni ni t i tohne sEoDf t .w Aa rme vJ e rEsmu se rag tMr aeddi t i2o0n0a1l ; 1t r9a(n4s)c: 2r i9p5t i–o8n. http://dx.doi.org/10.1053/ajem.2001.24487. [ 3 8 ] rPerceovge nd ietliloon Li nM a, cLoe md bme tut ne ri t yS-,b aFsaerdk ar sa dCi o, l oKghyo rparsaacnt ii c eR: . EIfmf epc lteomne rnet pa toirotnt uorfn as rpoeuenc hd t2i0m1e3s..0J7.0A0m8.College Radiol 2014;11(4):402–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jacr. [39] Biolchini J, Mian PG, Natali ACC, Travassos GH. Systematic review in soft- w20a0re5;6e7n9g(i0n5e)e:r4i5n.g. Syst Eng Comput Sci Dep COPPE/UFRJ, Tech Rep ES [40] Kitchenham B, Charters S. Guidelines for performing systematic literature reviews in software engineering. 2007. [ 4 1 ] oPno p at hyeJ ,cRo nodbue rctts oHf, Snoawr rdaet inv eA , s Py ne ttthiec sr iesw i nM , sAy srtaeimLa, tRi co drgeevrise wMs,. ePt raold. uGcut i dEaSnRcCe Methods Programme Version 2006;1:b92.

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