April 2020 HSC Section 4 - Plastic and Reconstructive Problems

Aesth Plast Surg (2015) 39:495–505

Table 2 continued




Miao et al. [ 32 ] Kim et al. [ 30 ]

Shortened time for hair formation and increased newly formed follicles with 10 or 15 % P-PRP

Improved surviving areas of flaps in rabbits


Decreased bone matrix deposition in skull defects, increased TGFB1, maintenance of stem cell immunophenotype

et al. [ 37 ]

Zheng et al. [ 31 ] Enhanced nerve regeneration and functional recovery Li et al. [ 22 ] Decreased fat graft resorption, enhanced angiogenesis, and adipogenesis Kakudo et al. [ 6 ] Stimulated angiogenesis Jeon et al. [ 25 ] Increased composite graft viability Kim et al. [ 39 ] Increased bone formation in healing skull defect

Increased bone formation in healing skull defect


Increased mesenchymal tissue, decreased osteoneogenesis, increased TGFB1, decreased BMP2 in cranial defects

et al. [ 34 ]

Liu et al. [ 26 ] Delay aging phenotypes Notodihardjo et al. [ 27 ]

Treatment with P-PRP or P-PRP/hydrogel- stimulated angiogenesis and accelerated wound healing When combined with fragmin–protamine nanoparticles, P-PRP enhanced reepithelialization and promoted angiogenesis in STSG donor sites

Takabayashi et al. [ 28 ]

Chen et al. [ 38 ]

Facilitated repair of irradiated soft tissue when combined with adipose-derived stem cells

Sevim et al. [ 29 ] Tajima et al. [ 11 ] Reksodiputro et al. [ 40 ] Human trials Powell et al. [ 41 ]

Accelerated composite graft survival when recipient or donor sites pretreated with P-PRP

Increased bone regeneration

Accelerated STSG healing, increased type I collagen in FTSG and STSG

Decreased edema and ecchymosis after facelift

Hom et al. [ 42 ]

Puncture wounds closed faster


No difference in epithelialization of STSG donor sites No effect on incisional wound- breaking strength

et al. [ 43 ]


et al. [ 44 ]

Redaelli et al. [ 49 ]

Improved facial esthetics

Sclafani [ 50 ]

Improved deep nasolabial folds



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