FLEX February 2024
Imaging of Pediatric Head and Neck Masses
Fig. 17. Infectious cervical lymphadenitis. Coronal fat-suppressed T2 ( A ) and fat-suppressed postcontrast T1 ( B ) magnetic resonance images show a cluster of enlarged left cervical lymph nodes with abnormal signal and enhancement ( arrows ) with associated surrounding inflammatory changes. The patient improved following administration of antibiotics.
Ranula CT imaging demonstrates ranulas as low-density cystic lesions involving the sublin gual space. Simple ranulas present as circumscribed, thin-walled cystic lesions confined to the sublingual space. Plunging ranulas (eg, diving or cervical ranula) extend beyond the sublingual space, either through the mylohyoid muscle, or around the posterior mylohyoid muscle margin ( Fig. 20 ). In cases of prior infection, the cyst contents may demonstrate increased attenuation. In active infection, CT demon strates a thickened, enhancing wall and surrounding inflammation.
Fig. 18. Parapharyngeal abcess. Axial ( A ) and reconstructed sagittal ( B ) contrast-enhanced CT images demonstrate an irregular low-density collection in the left retropharyngeal soft tissues with thick rim enhancement and mild mass effect on the airway. Surrounding enlarged, enhancing nodes reflect reactive adenopathy.
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