FLEX February 2024

Stern et al


Fig. 19. Abscess. The patient is a 6-month-old female with fevers, high bandemia on white blood cell count, and floor of mouth swelling, leading to emergent intubation. Coronal fat suppressed postcontrast T1 MRI shows a peripherally enhancing fluid collection centered in the root of the tongue ( arrow ).

Fig. 20. Ranula. Axial contrast-enhanced CT shows a complex ranula extending from the sublingual compartment ( A, curved black arrow ) posteriorly into the submandibular space ( B, curved white arrow ). A punctate high density along Whartons duct is consistent with a sialolith ( A, white arrowhead ), and there are inflammatory changes of the left submandib ular gland with heterogenous enhancement ( A, straight white arrow ).

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