xRead - Olfactory Disorders (September 2023)

20426984, 2022, 4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/alr.22929, Wiley Online Library on [04/09/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License


PATEL et al.

TABLE VII.12 (Continued)

Study design Study groups

Clinical end point



Year LOE


UPSIT R Cognitive

Reduced smell test scores associated with lower cognitive scores and older age, as well as increased ratios of CSF T-tau and P-tau toA β 1-42 Suggests OI reflects degree of preclinical AD pathology AD scores lower than NPH scores NPH scores below HC testing may be useful in differentiating AD from NPH Better SS-ID scores in HCs MCI outperformed AD Combining olfactory and cognitive measures improved diagnosis of AD andMCI At baseline, lower B-SIT scores correlated with increased CSF t-tau and were lower than HCs in all diagnostic groups Lower scores predicted MMSE decline in total recall in ApoE ε 4carriers and those with abnormal A β 42 Concluded OD may reflect neuronal injury rather than amyloid pathology Lower UPSIT R scores associated with increased temporal and parietal tau, but not amyloid, burden Quantitative meta-analysis indicates robust olfactory deficits in patients with MCI Olfactory ID test may be useful in early screening for cognitive impairment and dementia group, and word list learning and delayed scores, although still within normal limits Suggests that olfactory

Lafaille-Magnan et al 641

2017 3


274 healthy


older persons with parental or multiple sibling history ofAD

measures CSF levels of

T-tau, P-tau, and ratios with A β 1-42

Passler et al 642

2017 4


7AD 22NPH 14HCs



Quarmley et al 643

SS-ID (16 odors) MoCA

2017 4


262AD 150aMCI 24naMCI 292HCs


Reijs 644

2017 3


42AD 45MCI 26non-AD dementia 40HCs

B-SIT Cognitive

control and cohort


CSFA β 42 CSF t-tau ApoE genotype

Risacher et al 645

Association of

2017 4


10SCD 5MCI 19HCs

UPSIT R scores withPET measures of tau and amyloid burden


Roalf et al 646

2017 1


1993MCI 2861HCs

Psychophysical examinations (eg,UPSIT R and SS-TDI)

analysis of case control and cohort studies


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